

Text CatStateOtherFreq/doc

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< Template:Text CatStateOtherFreq
Revision as of 20:06, 22 December 2015 by QDP2012 (talk | contribs)

Documentation Sub-page for Template:Text_CatStateOtherFreq

Scope of Use


  • Template:Text_CatStateOtherFreq is designed to be a "text"-template which:
    • functions as the base upon which individual "...Frequencies" categories, and simpler "...Frequencies" categories-templates are built.
      • This creates a standardized presentation-style for the text displayed on all individual "...Frequencies" categories and all "...Frequencies" category-templates. Exceptions should be few.
    • naturally applies to state-, county-, and country-based "...Frequencies" categories
    • is also intended to be used to create "...Frequencies" categories that are not state-, county-, or country-based, such as top-level theme-based "...Frequencies" categories.

Directly Invoked By

  • Template:Text_CatStateOtherFreq should be directly invoked only by
    • simpler "...Frequencies" categories-templates, or
    • top-level theme-based "...Frequencies" categories, or
    • individual "...Frequencies" categories for which a simpler "...Frequencies" categories-template does not exist.

Not Intended For

  • Template:Text_CatStateOtherFreq should not be directly invoked by anything other than "...Frequencies" "categories" pages, or simpler "...Frequencies" "categories"-templates.


Parameter Name Parameter Details
State Notes:
  • A value is Required
    This template's use is not limited to politically-defined "states". The parameter State can be assigned a theme-based value instead. See any of Category:Special Topics' sub-categories for example.
State2 Expected Value(s):
  • not specified (Default value)
  • specified with specific value
  • When not specified, State value is used in the categories-list
  • When specified with a specific value, the specific value is used to override State in the categories-list, but not in the title.
    • State2's value should be the name of the State-category's primary parent, and should have a value very similar to State's value when possible.
StateParentNotFreq Expected Value(s):
  • not specified (Default value)
  • specified with no value
  • When not specified, the word "Frequencies" is appended to the State (or State2 if used) value in the categories-list.
  • When specified with no value, the word "Frequencies" is NOT appended to the State (or State2 if used) value in the categories-list.
  • Please do not assign a specific value to this parameter.
Other Notes:
  • A value is Required unless BOTH HideOtherInTitle and HideOtherInList are utilized to hide the value of Other
Other2 Expected Value(s):
  • not specified (Default value)
  • specified with specific value
  • When not specified, Other value is used in the categories-list
  • When specified with a specific value, the specific value is used to override Other in the categories-list, but not in the title.
  • Also, see notes about parameter HideOtherInList
OtherIsNotFreq Expected Value(s):
  • not specified (Default value)
  • specified with no value
  • When not specified, the word "Frequencies" is appended to the Other (or Other2 if used) value in the title and in the categories-list.
  • When specified with no value, the word "Frequencies" is NOT appended to the Other (or Other2 if used) value in the title and in the categories-list.
  • With rare exception, Please do not assign a specific value to this parameter.
OtherFreqInState Expected Value(s):
  • not specified (Default value)
  • specified with a State-parameter related value. Examples:
    • OtherFreqInState=US {{{Agency}}} Frequencies in {{{State}}}|
    • OtherFreqInState=United States {{{MilBranch}}} Frequencies in {{{State}}}|
  • This overrides the value displayed in the title and the page's example category-statement.
  • This does not influence the list of parent-categories.
  • Values for State and Other still should be assigned appropriately.
Country Expected Value(s):
  • not specified (Default value)
  • specified with specific value, followed by a non-breaking space (&nbsp;)
    • Example: Country=Canada&nbsp;|
  • This allows a country-name to be assigned as the prefix to the Other (or Other2) value in the categories-list only. It does not influence the value of Other (or Other2) in the title.
  • When specified, the Country value is displayed in the categories-list immediately prior to the value of Other (or Other2).
  • When not specified, no value is displayed.
  • Also, see notes about parameter HideOtherInList
Parent3 Automatic Value(s):

Using values from parameters above, either:

  • State Other, or State2 Other, or State Other2, or State2 Other2
  • Parent3's value is automatically created using the values of State (or State2 if used) and Other (or Other2 if used).
  • Parent3's value cannot be manually assigned by the Wiki-editor; but can be hidden using HideParent3 listed below.
Parent4 Expected Value(s):
  • not specified (Default value)
  • specified with specific value
  • When specified, the Parent4 value is displayed in the categories-list.
  • When not specified, please use HideParent4 to hide Parent4.
Parent5 Expected Value(s):
  • not specified (Default value)
  • specified with specific value
  • When specified, the Parent5 value is displayed in the categories-list.
  • When not specified, please use HideParent5 to hide Parent5.
Parent6 Expected Value(s):
  • not specified (Default value)
  • specified with specific value
  • When specified, the Parent6 value is displayed in the categories-list.
  • When not specified, please use HideParent6 to hide Parent6.
Parent7 Expected Value(s):
  • not specified (Default value)
  • specified with specific value
  • When specified, the Parent7 value is displayed in the categories-list.
  • When not specified, please use HideParent7 to hide Parent7.
Articles Expected Value(s):
  • not specified (Default value)
  • specified with specific value, that begins with a non-breaking space (&nbsp;). Example:
    • Articles=&nbsp;that list amateur radio repeaters in {{{State}}},|
  • Below the categories-list is the following statement (without quotes):

    "Lists all the submitted by the members."
    • The ... in the line quoted above represents the position of the default article-description which is (without quotes):

      " for Category:State that contain Other Frequencies"

  • When Articles is not specified, the default article-description is displayed.
  • When Articles is specified, the specific value replaces the default article-description.
    • Note: Usually, a non-breaking space (&nbsp;) should be used as the first character of the specific value.
MoreText Expected Value(s):
  • not specified (Default value)
  • specified with specific value
  • When not specified, nothing is displayed
  • When specified, the specific value is displayed above the example category-statement, approximately in the middle of the page.
  • Horizontal lines and html-breaks are often used to provide visual separation and bring attention to this parameter's value.
HideOtherInTitle Expected Value(s):
  • not specified (Default value)
  • specified with no value
  • When not specified, the value of Other is displayed in the title
  • When specified with no value, the value of Other is not displayed in the title
  • Please do not assign a specific value to this parameter.
HideOtherInList Expected Value(s):
  • not specified (Default value)
  • specified with no value
  • When not specified, the value of Country, if used, and the value of Other (or Other2 if used) are displayed in the categories-list
  • When specified with no value, the value of Country, if used, and the value of Other (or Other2 if used) are not displayed in the categories-list
  • Please do not assign a specific value to this parameter.
HideParent3 Expected Value(s):
  • not specified (Default value)
  • specified with no value
  • When not specified, the value of Parent3 is displayed
  • When specified with no value, the value of Parent3 is not displayed
  • Please do not assign a specific value to this parameter.
HideParent4 Expected Value(s):
  • not specified (Default value)
  • specified with no value
  • When not specified, the value of Parent4 is displayed
  • When specified with no value, the value of Parent4 is not displayed
  • Please do not assign a specific value to this parameter.
HideParent5 Expected Value(s):
  • not specified (Default value)
  • specified with no value
  • When not specified, the value of Parent5 is displayed
  • When specified with no value, the value of Parent5 is not displayed
  • Please do not assign a specific value to this parameter.
HideParent6 Expected Value(s):
  • not specified (Default value)
  • specified with no value
  • When not specified, the value of Parent6 is displayed
  • When specified with no value, the value of Parent6 is not displayed
  • Please do not assign a specific value to this parameter.
HideParent7 Expected Value(s):
  • not specified (Default value)
  • specified with no value
  • When not specified, the value of Parent7 is displayed
  • When specified with no value, the value of Parent7 is not displayed
  • Please do not assign a specific value to this parameter.
  • Please note:
    • The entire list of user-specified parameters is listed here for convenient copy-pasting.
    • Please read the above table for instruction, and see the examples later in this page, on how to use the appropriate parameters.
    • There will never be a case when all of the following parameters are used at the same time. Only use the needed parameters. Thanks.
    • Parameter "Parent3" is not listed here because its value is automatic, not user-specified.

Parameter-Use Examples: Categories-Templates

  • Selected examples that illustrate various combinations of parameters:

Categories-Templates: Emergency Services Frequencies

Categories-Templates: Emergency Services Frequencies} Parameters used
Categories-Template example: Template:Cat_StateFireSvcsFreq State, Other, Country,
HideParent4, HideParent5,
HideParent6, HideParent7
State-specific example(s): Category:Texas_Fire_Services_Frequencies
   Template(s) with similar syntax: Template:Cat_StateLawEnfFreq
Categories-Template example: Template:Cat_StateFireSvcsAvFreq State, State2, Other, Country, Articles, HideParent3, Parent4, Parent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
State-specific example(s): Category:Texas_Fire_Services_Aviation_Frequencies
   Template(s) with similar syntax: Template:Cat_StateLawEnfAvFreq

Categories-Templates: General Services Frequencies

Categories-Templates: General Services Frequencies} Parameters used
Categories-Template example: Template:Cat_StateAvFreq State, Other, Country,
HideParent4, HideParent5,
HideParent6, HideParent7
State-specific example(s): Category:Texas_Aviation_Frequencies
   Template(s) with similar syntax: Template:Cat_StateAmateurFreq
Categories-Template example: Template:Cat_StateAmateurRptr State, State2, Other, Country, OtherIsNotFreq, HideOtherInList, Articles, HideParent3, Parent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
State-specific example(s): Category:Texas_Amateur_Radio_Repeaters
   Template(s) with similar syntax:
Categories-Template example: Template:Cat_StateBusFreq State, Other, Country, HideParent3, Parent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
State-specific example(s): Category:Texas_Business_Frequencies
   Template(s) with similar syntax:
Categories-Template example: Template:Cat_StateBusComPrvFreq State, State2, StateParentNotFreq, Other, Country, HideParent3, MoreText, Parent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
State-specific example(s): Category:California_Communications_Providers_Frequencies
   Template(s) with similar syntax:
Categories-Template example: Template:Cat_StateBusFastFoodFreq State, State2, StateParentNotFreq, Other, Country, HideParent3, HideParent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
State-specific example(s): Category:New_York_Fast_Food_Frequencies
   Template(s) with similar syntax:
Categories-Template example: Template:Cat_StateCivilAvFreq State, State2, Other, Country, Articles, HideParent3, MoreText, Parent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
State-specific example(s): Category:Idaho_Civil_Aviation_Frequencies
   Template(s) with similar syntax: Template:Cat_StateUtilComCarFreq
Categories-Template example: Template:Cat_StateCSXFreq State, State2, StateParentNotFreq, Other, Country, HideParent3, Parent4, Parent5, Parent6, HideParent7
State-specific example(s): Category:Florida_CSX_Transportation_Frequencies
   Template(s) with similar syntax: Template:Cat_StateUtilComCarFreq
Categories-Template example: Template:Cat_StateEducFreq State, Other, Country, Articles, HideParent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
State-specific example(s): Category:Michigan_Education_Frequencies
   Template(s) with similar syntax: Template:Cat_StateMediaFreq
Categories-Template example: Template:Cat_StateGrndTransFreq State. Other. Country. MoreText. HideParent4. HideParent5. HideParent6. HideParent7
State-specific example(s): Category:New_York_Ground_Transportation_Frequencies
   Template(s) with similar syntax: Template:Cat_StateMarineFreq
Categories-Template example: Template:Cat_StateMotorFrtFreq State, State2, StateParentNotFreq, Other, Country, HideParent3, Articles, Parent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
State-specific example(s): Category:New_York_Motor_Freight_Frequencies
   Template(s) with similar syntax: Template:Cat_StateRailFreq
Categories-Template example: Template:Cat_StateRecAtrFreq State, Other, Country, Articles, MoreText, HideParent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
State-specific example(s): Category:North_Carolina_Recreation_or_Attractions_Frequencies
   Template(s) with similar syntax: Template:Cat_StateSpcEvtsFreq

Categories-Templates: Federal/Military Frequencies

Categories-Templates: Federal/Military Frequencies} Parameters used
Categories-Template example: Template:Cat_StateAirShowsFreq State, State2, StateParentNotFreq, Other, Country, HideParent3, Parent4, Parent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
State-specific example(s): Category:New York Air Show Frequencies
   Template(s) with similar syntax:
Categories-Template example: Template:Cat_StateMilAvFreq State. State2, Other, Country, HideParent3, Articles, MoreText, Parent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
State-specific example(s): Category:California Military Aviation Frequencies
   Template(s) with similar syntax:
Categories-Template example: Template:Cat_StateANGFreq State, Other, Country, HideParent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
State-specific example(s): Category:Maryland Air National Guard Frequencies
   Template(s) with similar syntax: Template:Cat_StateARNGFreq
Categories-Template example: Template:Cat_USFedFreqInState OtherFreqInState, Agency, State, Other, Other2, HideParent3, Parent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
State-specific example(s): Category:US Land Management Frequencies in Nevada
   Template(s) with similar syntax:
Categories-Template example: Template:Cat_USMilFreqInState OtherFreqInState, MilBranch, State, Other, Other2, HideParent3, Parent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
State-specific example(s): Category:United States Air Force Frequencies in New York
   Template(s) with similar syntax:

Parameter-Use Examples: Categories

  • Selected examples that illustrate various combinations of parameters:

Categories: Top-level "Theme"-Frequencies

Categories: Top-level "Theme" Frequencies} Parameters used
Categories example: Category:Wiki Frequencies State, State2, StateParentNotFreq, HideOtherInTitle, HideOtherInList, Articles, HideParent3, MoreText, HideParent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
   Categories with similar syntax:
Categories example: Category:Air Show Frequencies State, State2, StateParentNotFreq, Other, HideOtherInTitle, HideParent3, Articles, Parent4, Parent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
   Categories with similar syntax: Category:Business Frequencies
Categories example: Category:Amateur Radio Frequencies State, StateParentNotFreq, Other, HideOtherInTitle, HideParent3, Articles, HideParent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
   Categories with similar syntax: Category:Education Frequencies
Categories example: Category:Amateur Radio Repeaters State, Other, OtherIsNotFreq, HideOtherInTitle, HideOtherInList, HideParent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
   Categories with similar syntax: Unique Special Case
Categories example: Category:Air National Guard Frequencies State, StateParentNotFreq, Other, HideOtherInTitle, HideParent3, Parent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
   Categories with similar syntax:
Categories example: Category:Medical Frequencies State, StateParentNotFreq, Other, HideOtherInTitle, HideParent3, HideParent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
   Categories with similar syntax:
Categories example: Category:Railroads Frequencies State, StateParentNotFreq, Other, HideOtherInTitle, HideParent3, Articles, HideParent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
   Categories with similar syntax:

Categories: Aviation Frequencies for a Specific Theme

Categories: Aviation Frequencies for a Specific Theme} Parameters used
Categories example: Category:Fire Services Aviation Frequencies State, Other, Articles, HideParent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
   Categories with similar syntax: Category:Law Enforcement Aviation Frequencies
Category:Medical Aviation Frequencies
Categories example: Category:Military Aviation Frequencies State, State2, Other, HideOtherInTitle, Articles, MoreText, HideParent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
   Categories with similar syntax:

Categories: CSX Transportation Frequencies

Category:CSX Transportation Frequencies} Parameters used
Categories example: Category:CSX Transportation Frequencies State, State2, StateParentNotFreq, Other, HideOtherInTitle, HideParent3, Articles, Parent4, Parent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
   Categories with similar syntax:

Categories: US Agency Frequencies

Categories: US Agency Frequencies} Parameters used
Categories example: Category:US Federal Government Frequencies State. StateParentNotFreq, Other, HideOtherInTitle, HideParent3, MoreText, HideParent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
   Categories with similar syntax:
Categories example: Category:US Civil Air Patrol Frequencies State, StateParentNotFreq, Other, HideOtherInTitle, HideParent3, Articles, Parent4, Parent5, Parent6, HideParent7
   Categories with similar syntax:
Categories example: Category:US Federal Prisons Frequencies State, StateParentNotFreq, Other, HideOtherInTitle, HideParent3, HideParent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
   Categories with similar syntax: Category:US Bureau of Reclamation Frequencies
Categories example: Category:US Land Management Frequencies State, StateParentNotFreq, Other, HideOtherInTitle, HideParent3, Parent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
   Categories with similar syntax:

Categories: United States Military Branch Frequencies

Category:United States Air Force Frequencies} Parameters used
Categories example: Category:United States Air Force Frequencies State, StateParentNotFreq, Other, HideOtherInTitle, HideParent3, HideParent4, HideParent5, HideParent6, HideParent7
   Categories with similar syntax: Category:United States Army Frequencies
Category:United States Coast Guard Frequencies
Category:United States Navy Frequencies

How To...

  • The horizontal lines below separate examples for clarity and do not appear when template is invoked.

How to invoke this template for a simpler (state) frequencies TEMPLATE

  • Template_CatStateFreq is an example of a simpler category-template that is used to build state-level, district-level, province-level, or country-level, "Frequencies" categories:


How to invoke this template for a simpler US (Agency) Frequencies in (State) TEMPLATE

  • Template:Cat_USFedFreqInState is an example of a simpler category-template that is used to build (US Federal Government) agency-level "Frequencies" categories:
OtherFreqInState=US {{{Agency}}} Frequencies in {{{State}}}|
Other2=US {{{Agency}}}|
Parent4=US {{{Agency}}} in {{{State}}}|


How to invoke this template for a simpler United States (MilBranch) Frequencies in (State) TEMPLATE

  • Template:Cat_USMilFreqInState is an example of a simpler category-template that is used to build (United States Military) Branch-level "Frequencies" categories:
OtherFreqInState=United States {{{MilBranch}}} Frequencies in {{{State}}}|
Other2=United States {{{MilBranch}}}|
Parent4=United States {{{MilBranch}}} in {{{State}}}|


How to invoke this template for a (theme) frequencies CATEGORY

  • Category:Air_National_Guard_Frequencies is an example of a Theme-level "Frequencies" category:
State=Air National Guard|
Other=United States Air Force|
Parent4=Military Aviation Frequencies|


How to avoid common error(s) while invoking this template

  • Purpose: To avoid unintended spaces in parameter-values
    • Technique: Place the vertical bar at end of parameter-value, not at left-margin.

  • Purpose: To correctly assign no-value to a parameter
    • Technique: Place the vertical bar at end of parameter-value, not at left-margin.

  • Purpose: To avoid confusion with template's closing braces
    • Technique: Put "Hide..." parameters at end of template-call to help ensure the closing braces are used and not confused with the value of another parameter.

  • Example: Category:Air_National_Guard_Frequencies
    • The following template-code is correct, because
    1. The vertical-bar ends immediately after each parameter-value, or immediately after an equal-sign thereby indicating "no value":
    2. The template's closing pair of braces immediately follows the last parameter-value and is not on a separate line where it could become confusing and orphaned or even deleted during later editing.
    3. The "HideParent..." parameters are placed at the end and immediately followed by the template's closing braces. This becomes more apparent when using parameters "Articles" and "MoreText".
State=Air National Guard|
Other=United States Air Force|
Parent4=Military Aviation Frequencies|
  • The following template-code is not correct, because it introduces unintended spaces and risks the closing braces becoming orphaned, lost, or deleted during later editing, especially if values are assigned later to parameters "Articles" and/or "MoreText":
|State=Air National Guard
|Other=United States Air Force
|Parent4=Military Aviation Frequencies

Return to: Template:Text_CatStateOtherFreq, Template:Text_CatStateOther/doc/Compare