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Champaign County Scanner - Quick Reference

All Champaign County METCAD Dispatched Public Safety Communications have migrated to a Motorola digital trunked system beginning in 2007. Rantoul PD/FD, Cornbelt FPD, and Parkland PD are also using it.

Champaign County Sheriff MDICE TRS - TG 21501 P25 500s
Champaign County Rural Fire MDICE TRS (paged on 154.2500) P25
Champaign County Rural PDs MDICE TRS - TG 21501 P25 6-Letter-#
Champaign Fire MDICE TRS (paged on 154.2500) P25 100s
Champaign Police MDICE TRS - TG 21500 P25 700s,900s,7-K-#s
Illinois State Police Starcom 21 TRS - TG 13007 P25 X's
Parkland College Police MDICE TRS - TG 21505 P25 S's
Rantoul Police MDICE TRS - TG 21501 P25 Rantoul #
University of IL PD MDICE TRS - TG 21502 P25 100s,200s
Urbana Fire MDICE TRS (paged on 154.2500) P25 200s
Urbana PD MDICE TRS - TG 21502 P25 300s,400s
Arrow Ambulance MDICE TRS - TG 22016 (paged on 151.3475) P25 8200s
Pro/AMT Ambulance MDICE TRS - TG 22018 P25 8800s

*                                                *
* U of I            100s, 200s  MDICE TG 21502   *	
* Urbana            300s, 400s  MDICE TG 21502   *                		
* Champaign         700s, 900s  MDICE TG 21500   *
* County Sheriff    500s        MDICE TG 21501   *
* Rantoul           Rantoul _   MDICE TG 21501   *
* Fisher            6__5        MDICE TG 21501   *
* Ludlow            6__6        MDICE TG 21501   *
* Gifford           6__7        MDICE TG 21501   *
* Thomasboro        6__8        MDICE TG 21501   *
* Ogden             6__13       MDICE TG 21501   *
* Homer             6__19       MDICE TG 21501   *
* Mahomet           6__22       MDICE TG 21501   *
* Tolono            6__24       MDICE TG 21501   *
*                                                *

Fire Pager Tones

Agency Tone A Tone B Agency Tone A Tone B Agency Tone A Tone B
Arrow 584.8 810.2 County Test Tones 1153.4 1122.5 Sidney FD 1153.4 1357.6
Carrol FD 1395.0 1153.4 Eastern Prairie FD 1285.8 1185.2 Thomasboro FD 1395.0 1357.6
CFD #1 617.4 584.8 Gifford FD 1153.4 1217.8 Tolono FD 1153.4 1395.0
CFD #2 651.9 584.8 Medic 1 651.9 810.2 UFD #1 584.8 651.9
CFD #3 688.3 584.8 Medic 4 767.4 810.2 UFD #2 617.4 651.9
CFD #4 726.8 584.8 Pesotum FD 1395.0 1251.4 UFD #3 688.3 651.9
CFD #5 767.4 584.8 Rantoul & Rural Pro/AMT 617.4 810.2 UFD #4 726.8 651.9
Cornbelt FD 1153.4 1185.2 Savoy FD 584.8 726.8


General system information including the implementation timeline and radio ids has been moved to the separate METCAD MDICE TRS wiki page. Specific agency usage information can still be found under their respective sections on this page.

Champaign PD

As of September 24, 2007, Champaign PD is using MDICE for all their operations.
Their dispatch talkgroup TG 21500 'PATROL 1' IS NOT simulcast on 453.4000 however. All UHF usage is over. For emergencies or car-car, the units will use TG 21506 PATROL OPS 1 (which is encrypted). During events, if they are not on PATROL 1, they will use INCIDENT 4 or one of the other INCIDENT talkgroups.

Dispatched by METCAD.

  • Units: 700s - patrol officers; 900s - supervisors; 7K#s - command officers

Champaign PD Beats

North District
Beat 1-1 - East of Neil and north of University Ave.
Beat 1-2 - Prospect to Neil north of University Ave.
Northwest District
Beat 1-3 - Area bounded by Prospect, University Ave, McKinley
Beat 1-4 - Area bounded by University, McKinley and Bradley
Beat 1-5 - Duncan to Rising Rd. north of University Ave. and South of Bloomington Rd. (not on the map)
South District
Beat 2-1 - East of Neil St and south of University Ave.
Beat 2-2 - Prospect to Neil but south of University Ave.
Southwest District
Beat 2-3 - Mattis to Prospect but south of University Ave.
Beat 2-4 - West of Mattis and south of University Ave.

Source: Chamapign City Council Meeting - June 26, 2007 "Policing Strategies by District" (SS 2007-042)

Champaign Fire

As of January 29, 2008, Champaign Fire is using MDICE for their operations. Paging occurs on 154.2500 which is simulcast on MDICE TG 22012 FIRE DISPATCH. Fire responses are on TG 22000 FIRE OPS 1. FIREGROUND talkgroups are used for working fires, especially FIREGROUND 1.

Dispatched by METCAD.

  • Units: Champaign County MABAS Division 28 changed all the county fire radio ids on 11/26/07. Current Champaign Fire Department radio ids can be found here.

Urbana Police

As of August 24, 2007, Urbana PD is using MDICE for all their operations.
Their dispatch talkgroup TG 21502 'PATROL 3' (was PATROL 2 prior to 7/8/14). For emergencies or car-car, the units will use TG 21508 PATROL OPS 3. During events, if they are not on PATROL 3, they will use INCIDENT 4 or one of the other INCIDENT talkgroups.

Dispatched by METCAD

  • Units: 300s - patrol officers; 400s - supervisors

Dispatch is on MDICE TG 21502 - also on this channel are U of I PD (100s/200s).

Related links:

Urbana Fire

As of January 29, 2008, Urbana Fire is using MDICE for their operations. Paging occurs on 155.0400 which is simulcast on MDICE TG 22012 FIRE DISPATCH. Fire responses are on TG 22000 FIRE OPS 1. FIREGROUND talkgroups are used for working fires, especially FIREGROUND 1.

Dispatched by METCAD.

  • Units: 200s

Related links:


  • Since July 8, 2014, Rantoul PD is dispatched by METCAD on MDICE PATROL 2 TG 21501. They identify on the air as "Rantoul #". County Sheriff (500s) and the rural towns (6-Letter-#) also share the talkgroup with them.


Paging for medical calls is on 154.2500 (131.8).

The ambulance will communicate with either Carle or Presence Hospitals on MERCI 155.3400 with a PL tone of either 186.2 or 210.7. The hospitals transmit back on 155.3400 in CSQ.

Arrow Ambulance

As of November 2011, Arrow Ambulance is now using MDICE for its responses in Champaign County

Arrow Ambulances communicate with METCAD on either MDICE Fire Ops 1 or Fireground 5 (as directed by METCAD via page on 154.250) and communicate with their dispatch on the frequencies listed below:

  • MDICE TG 22016 Arrow Ops 1 - Arrow Ambulance Dispatch
  • 151.3475 (CSQ) Arrow Ambulance paging (and simulcasts of Arrow pages by METCAD on 154.2500)
  • MDICE TG 22017 Arrow Ops 2 - encrypted
  • 462.9750 (179.9) still used by Airlife medical helicopter, rarely used by Arrow Ambulance Dispatch

PRO/AMT Ambulance

As of May 2009, PRO Ambulance is now using MDICE for its responses in Champaign County

Pro Ambulances communicate with METCAD on either MDICE Fire Ops 1 or Fireground 5 (as directed by METCAD via page on 155.0400) and communicate with their dispatch on the frequencies listed below:

  • MDICE TRS TG 22018 - PRO OPS 1 Pro Ambulance Dispatch
  • MDICE TRS TG 22019 - PRO OPS 2 Pro Ambulance Ops (rarely used)
  • 462.9500 (186.2) PRO Ambulance Dispatch NO LONGER IN USE, repeater still active (mostly wrong channel traffic here)
  • 461.6000 (DCS464) PRO Ambulance - Medivan -- No longer used?? No longer in use (updated 8/6/21, but this hasn't been in use for years)

All Danville/Vermilion County and travel operations are on Starcom21 TG 6236 As of January 2022, PRO Ambulance is now AMT Ambulance

Carle Foundation Hospital

  • 464.8000 (MOTORBO) Carle Hospital Security
  • 463.4500 (DCS411) Carle Hospital Maintenance
  • 464.4250 (DCS226) Carle Hospital Shuttle Buses

OSF HMMC Hospital

  • 461.6250 (DCS624) Presence Covenant Hospital Security

U of I - Illini Emergency Medical Service

Provides medical coverage for U of I events.

  • 451.4500 (MOTOTRBO) Illini Emergency Medical Service - main operations (used this channel when it was analog, unsure if they still use it...see below)
  • MDICE TRS TG 22717 - IEMS used this during the 2014 Illinois Marathon
  • 158.8650 (CSQ) Illini Emergency Medical Service - "talkabout" channel -- still used??

Champaign County Sheriff's Department

As of August 21, 2007, the Champaign County Sheriff's Department is using MDICE TG 21501 'Patrol 2'. For emergencies, the responding units will use TG 21507 PATROL OPS 2 (which is encrypted). The Courthouse started using MDICE in place of 460.2250 on 11/29/07.

Dispatched by METCAD.

  • Units: 500s are Sheriff's Department Deputies. The Sheriff's Department uses the MDICE TRS TG 21501. Also on the same channel/talkgroup are Rantoul PD (Rantoul #) and Village PDs (6Letter#). 6Letter# are village PD units (the number corresponds to the beat; such as 6David24 is a Tolono PD officer and 6Baker22 is a Mahomet PD officer).

Related Links:

Champaign County Sheriff Conventional Frequencies (that are still used):

  • 453.3000 (MOTOTRBO) Champaign County Jail (low power repeater)
  • 453.7250 (118.8) Champaign County Juvenile Detention Center (simplex)

Champaign County EMA (severe weather spotting)

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
21200  52d0  EMA Admin  Administration [EMA Admin] 
21201  52d1  EMA Ops 1  Operations [EMA Ops 1] 
21202  52d2  EMA Ops 2  Coordination [EMA Ops 2] 
21203  52d3  EMA Region 7  Region 7 Net [EMA RGN7] 
21204  52d4  EMA Weather  Weather Spotter Operations [WEATHER] 
21205  52d5  EMA PIO  Public Information Officer [EMA PIO] 
21250  5302  EMA Ops 6 Wx  Weather Spotter Operations [EMA OPS6] 

Severe weather alert message are broadcast on MDICE TRS TG 24975 as well as on IREACH 155.0550 and Rural Fire 154.2500.

The main channel to monitor when storms approach is TG 21204 on the MDICE TRS. To get a regional perspective on the storm's progress, Champaign County EMA gives and receives updates from Lincoln WX on Starcom21 TG 30324. Also worth monitoring is the Champaign County ARES spotter channel 444.100 (162.2). Since 444.1000 is used for other purposes during regular weather, it is best to lock it out in your scanner until the weather turns severe. 155.0400 (131.8) and 155.1150 (131.8) are no longer used for weather spotting purposes.

Champaign County weather radio check is conducted the first Tuesday each month at 10am on MDICE TRS TG 21204.


  • MDICE TRS TG 21204 "WEATHER" - weather spotter reports to the EOC
  • 444.1000 (162.2) Champaign County ARES spotters [repeater]
  • 147.0600 (131.8) Champaign County ARES (backup to 444.100) [repeater]
  • 146.5500 (CSQ) Champaign County weather spotter simplex

Village/Rural Spotters

  • 151.1150 (131.8) Homer ESDA [repeater]
  • 155.8650 (131.8) Mahomet ESDA
  • 154.9950 (CSQ) Pesotum ESDA
  • 155.7750 (CSQ) Philo ESDA
  • 158.8050 (127.3) Savoy ESDA [repeater] -->likely replaced by 151.010 DCS205 [repeater]
  • 158.8200 (186.2) Thomasboro ESDA
  • 151.0775 (DCS 223) Tolono ESDA [repeater]

Supplemental Information from's Database:

Champaign County EMA

Frequency  Input   
License  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
154.07000  156.01500   KNNK417   RM  131.8 PL  Champ WxSirens Tornado Sirens - DTMF activation  FMN  Data 
45.56000        BM  103.5 PL  Champ ESDA45 ESDA: Local Net (210.7 PL State?)  FM  Emergency Ops 

Champaign-Urbana Public Health District

  • Champaign County METCAD MDICE - Project 25 Phase I CUPHD has talkgroup 22716 assigned to them
  • 151.0925 M Mobile Ops WREI979 FCC Terminated 10/20 WQCP549 [Expired 4/15]

Colleges and Universities

University of Illinois

Parkland College

As of December 17, 2007, Parkland College PD is now using MDICE TRS TG 21505 (Patrol 6). They no longer use 453.8250.
  • 453.5750 (151.4) Parkland College Maintenance

Maps of Parkland College

Illinois State Police

Champaign-Urbana is located within ISP District 10. Pesotum, IL is the district HQ. Patrol units are X#'s, matching their patrol car's license plate in most cases.

As of 8/9/07, ISP D10 now uses Starcom21 for it's operations

ISP District 10 Starcom21 Trunked System :


003 (3) Champaign851.412500 851.937500c 852.462500a 852.987500 854.962500 855.162500

006 (6) Pesotum 851.362500 852.412500a 852.937500a 853.462500 854.562500c


DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
13029  32e5  D10 IREACH  IREACH Patch 
13041  32f1  D10 Local Patch  Local Patch 
13076  3314  D10 Intercom  Intercom 

Statewide ISP frequencies formerly used around Champaign-Urbana.
With the exception of IREACH and ISPERN, these will likely not be used often anymore. They're still included for reference and historical purposes.

  • 155.4750 HF-1 ISPERN - Illinois State Police Emergency Radio Network {base transmits 67.0 PL}
  • 155.0550 HF-3 I-REACH -- Statewide Interagency Mutual Aid
  • 155.4600 HF-4 Rarely used in Champaign-Urbana, except it is used at U of I football games
  • 42.5000 LF-2 Statewide car-car (ex. radar details)
  • 154.9050 ISP DCI HF-2 Rarely used in District 10 (mobiles tx PL 110.9 while base tx CSQ)
  • 155.5050 ISP Mobile Extenders

ISP District 10 Pesotum Conventional Frequencies:
The old conventional VHF frequencies that were used for decades up to 8/9/07. These may still occasionally be active, so don’t remove them from your scanner just yet. The 700 MHz frequencies are for the Starcom21 mobile extenders.

Frequency  License  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
154.69500  KSA464   251 DPL  ISP D10 HFB2 Dispatch: Champaign/Urbana area (no 67.0 PL as of 9/10)  FMN  Law Dispatch 
764.46875  WPTZ798   165 DPL  ISP D10 MX-O Vehicular Repeater/Mobile Extender - Out (to SC21)  FMN  Law Dispatch 
794.46875  WPTZ798   423 DPL  ISP D10 MX-I Vehicular Repeater/Mobile Extender - In (to SC21)  FMN  Law Dispatch 

Snow Plow Frequencies

City, State, and County Highway Departments
MDICE TRS TG 22705 Urbana Public Works
MDICE TRS TG 22701 Champaign Public Works
151.0100 (DCS205) Savoy Public Works
153.5450 (192.8) Rantoul Public Works
Starcom21 TRS, Site 203 - TG 5671 IDOT Leverett and TG 5670 IDOT Champaign. For other IDOT TGs, see below.
MDICE TRS TG 22708 County Highway Department

Township/Village Highway Departments

Frequency  Input   
License  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
159.01500      KD43761   CSQ  Chmpgn TwpRoads Champaign Township Road District  FMN  Public Works 
159.12000  153.90500   WPWM787   RM  131.8 PL  EBend Twp Roads East Bend Road District (Dewey)  FMN  Public Works 
159.16500      WNHP851   BM  103.5 PL  HensleyTwp Roads Hensley Township Road District [Expired 12/21]  FMN  Public Works 
159.07500      WPXB677   BM    NewcombTwpRoads Newcomb Township Road District (Highway/Snow Plows)  FMN  Public Works 
151.05500      KIL250   BM    PesotumTwpRoads Pesotum Township Road District [Expired 6/05]  FMN  Public Works 
159.01500      KB31731   CSQ  Urbana Twp Roads Urbana Township Road District  FMN  Public Works 
151.07000  159.04500   WPWE967   RM  244 DPL  Ogdrn Twp Roads Ogden Township Road Maintenance   FMN  Public Works 
156.12000      WQPA546   BM  123.0 PL  SadorusTwpRoads Sadorus Township Road Maintenance [Expired 3/22]  FMN  Public Works 
151.03250  155.99250   WQRC999   RM  162.2 PL  Tolono Twp Roads Tolono Township: Roads [Expired 4/23]  FMN  Public Works 
453.33750  458.33750   WQVH393   RM  464 DPL  Comprms TwpRoads Compromise Township: Road District  FMN  Public Works 
  • 151.1150 (131.8) Village of Homer
  • 155.865 (131.8) Village of Mahomet
  • 151.3100 DCS071 Village of St Joseph

State IDOT (adjacent jurisdictions)
You're likely to hear activity from these IDOT Yards on Starcom21 TRS (TG Yard):

  • 3742 IDOT District 4: Gibson City Yard (Ford County)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
4480  1180  DT5 Operations A  Operations A 
4481  1181  DT5 Operations B  Operations B 
4488  1188  DT5 Operations C  Operations C 
4489  1189  DT5 Operations D  Operations D  
5662  161e  DT5 MonticElo Yd  Monticello Yard [Piatt] 
5663  161f  DT5 Clinton Yard  Clinton Yard [DeWitt] 
5664  1620  DT5 Bloomington  Bloomington Yard [McLean] 
5665  1621  DT5 Townda/LeRoy  Towanda / Leroy Yards [McLean] 
5666  1622  DT5 Paris Yard  Paris Yard [Edgar] 
5667  1623  DT5 Tuscola Yard  Tuscola Yard [Douglas] 
5668  1624  DT5 Fithian Yard  Fithian Yard [Vermilion] 
5669  1625  DT5 Danvile Yard  Danville Yard [Vermilion] 
5670  1626  DT5 Champaign Yd  Champaign Yard [Champaign] 
5671  1627  DT5 Leverett Yd  Leverett Yard [Champaign] 
5672  1628  DT5 Signs/Brdges  Sign Shop / Bridge Yard (Ridgway?) 

Related Info

  • City of Champaign Snow Route Maps
  • CUMTD 453.775 (131.8) would be a good source for road conditions. Their maintenance uses 460.175 (131.8) for clearing areas around bus shelters. If school is in session, also consider the school bus frequencies on this page.
  • Starcom21 TRS, Site 203 - TG 13007, 13008, and 13047 for Illinois State Police in Champaign County.
  • MDICE TRS for Champaign PD/FD, Urbana PD/FD, Rantoul PD/FD, PRO Ambulance, Arrow Ambulance, County EMA and Parkland PD. City of Champaign Building Services uses MDICE TG 22702.
  • 154.2500 131.8 Champaign County Fire/EMS Paging
  • 151.4300 DCS506 Urbana Park District (removing snow at their facilities)
  • MDICE TRS TG 22718 U of I Willard Airport - snow plow trucks
  • MDICE TRS TG 21201 EMA OPS 1 if County EMA is involved in a major storm

Federal Frequencies

Frequencies logged mid 2012 to early 2013.

Frequency Tone/NAC Encrypted? Location heard Notes
163.8625 Yes Downtown Champaign 5 bars signal strength (common FBI repeater input frequency)
167.5375 Yes Downtown Champaign, NW Champaign 1-2 bars signal strength Downtown, 5 bars from Arrowhead Lanes parking lot, 3 bars near downtown Urbana (common FBI repeater output frequency)
167.5625 Yes Near Downtown Urbana 3 bars (common FBI simplex freq)
168.9875 Yes Downtown Champaign FBI?
170.7250 Yes Downtown Champaign 5 bars signal strength (FBI, DOJ?)
170.7500 Yes Near Downtown Urbana & east Urbana (common freq for federal courthouses)
406.7625 DCS122 No Downtown Champaign Room 5034 mentioned, is this an image of another UHF freq?


The events portion of this page has now been moved to a separate wiki page. For sporting events, concerts, etc. at Memorial Stadium or State Farm Center (Assembly Hall), see the U of I Athletics section.


This section is a work in progress. Your help in identifying new frequencies or confirming the unconfirmed ones is greatly appreciated.

Market Place Mall (website)
Market-Place Mall map
Mall Security units: 901, 905, 907 (451.3 107.2) Identified frequencies:

Frequency  Input   
License  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
451.30000  456.30000   WPLY605   RM  107.2 PL  MarketPlace Mall Mall - Security/Maintenance  FMN  Business 
462.91250        162.2 PL  MacysSecurty MPM Macy's: Security  FMN  Business 
467.85000      WQAR240   203.5 PL  Bergners MPM Bergners  FMN  Deprecated 
467.92500      WPYX853   743 DPL  VictoriasSec MPM Victoria's Secret   FMN  Business 
467.22500      WQUN282   365 DPL  JC Penney MPM JC Penney  FMN  Business 
468.41250      WQKQ994   91.5 PL  DicksHseSportMPM Dick's House of Sport  FMN  Business 
154.54000      WPOE424   74.4 PL  Gap MPM Gap  FMN  Business 
466.03750        94.8 PL  Loft MPM Loft  FMN  Business 
467.92500      WQCU374   412 DPL  Sephora MPM Sephora  FMN  Business 
464.56250        203.5 PL  Aeropostale MPM Aeropostale  FMN  Business 
461.06250        632 DPL  BathBodyWk MPM Bath and Body Works  FMN  Business 
467.76250        67.0 PL  AmEglOutftr MPM American Eagle Outfitters  FMN  Business 
467.90000      WQLP964   118.8 PL  Express MPM Express  FMN  Business 
154.60000        CSQ  Finish Line MPM Finish Line  FMN  Business 
467.87500      WPYX853   743 DPL  Pink MPM Pink  FMN  Business 
468.21250      WQLL302   67.0 PL  Costco MPM Costco  FMN  Business 

Unidentified frequencies:

  • 467.7125 ??? (found via CloseCall)
  • 467.7625 (67.0) (found via Close Call near Abercrombie & Fitch, unknown store. Also, was heard by Sears and LOFT parking lot. Could be American Eagle Outfitters based on location in mall.) Clothing store. Heard from parking lot by Sephora and LOFT
  • 467.8125 (77.0) (noted near the mall.)
  • 467.8500 (71.9) (found via Close Call, unknown store) Could be American Eagle Outfitters based on the PL tone that is common for that store or possibly Limited
  • 467.8500 (79.7) (was heard by Sears and LOFT parking lot.)
  • 467.9000 (118.8) (found via Close Call walking from Express to Banana Republic.) Possibly Express or Limited. Also heard in parking lot by Sephora and LOFT.
  • 466.1875 DCS506 was heard at the mall in the past but in Jan 2012 467.8500 DCS506 heard and presumed to be Hollister.

Note: American Eagle Outfitter, The Limited and Express all use radios (unknown freqs/tones).

North Prospect/Neil Street Stores and Restaurants

Bed, Bath and Beyond - Champaign, IL

  • 467.9250 (67.0) strong evidence this is Bed Bath and Beyond
  • They carry Motorola CLS radios but I've never seen them transmit so I don't know what freq they use but presumably they'd use UHF.
The following have been heard in their parking lot:
  • 464.5500 (67.0) was also heard in Bed Bath and Beyond parking lot

Best Buy - Champaign, IL

  • 467.9250 DCS506
  • 467.9000 DCS743

Beverly Cinema Theater - Champaign, IL

  • 464.5500 (67.0) used XU2100 Motorola XTN series radios (reportedly no longer used Oct. 2008 Source)

Borders - Champaign, IL

  • 467.8750 DCS432

Chili's Bar & Grill - Champaign, IL

  • 467.7625 (67.0)

Dicks Sporting Goods - Champaign, IL

  • 468.4125 (94.8)

Factory Card & Party Outlet

  • 461.1875 (77.0) - Motorola CLS radios

Gordmans - Champaign, IL

  • 467.3625 DCS413

Home Depot - Champaign, IL

  • 467.7625 DCS065 - main
  • 467.8500 DCS331 - alternate

Kohl's - Champaign, IL

  • 467.8500 DCS023
  • the workers carry Motorola business band radios (XTN/CLS/CP or similar) with channel 1 on the display

Meijer - Champaign, IL

  • Meijer uses some kind of radio/telephone intercom system with handhelds that look like phones. The phone/radios look like those carried by U of I maintenance staff.
  • Meijer holds FCC license WPUG614 for statewide use in Illinois on the following frequencies:
    • 467.8500  
    • 467.8750 
    • 467.9000  

Menards - Champaign, IL

  • 466.0375 DCS025
  • 154.5700 71.9 PL -- no longer used Oct 2010

Michaels - Champaign, IL

  • 467.8500 DCS532

Office Depot - Champaign, IL

  • 467.9000 DCS131

Old Chicago - Champaign, IL

  • 467.9250 (67.0)

Old Navy - Champaign, IL

  • 151.9550 (74.4) NO LONGER USED - 6/19/07
  • 467.8500 DCS047 NEW CHANNEL

Sam's Club - Champaign, IL

  • 154.5700 (77.0)

Target - Champaign, IL

  • 467.7500 DCS115 Target ch1
  • 467.7750 DCS072 Target ch2
  • 467.9250 DCS155 Target ch3
  • 467.9000 DCS205 Target ch4

TJ Maxx - Champaign, IL

  • 467.8750 (100.0)

Toys R Us - Champaign, IL

  • 467.8500 DCS251 *NEW* Nov. 2008 - (Note: formerly used 154.600 (94.8))

Wal-Mart - Champaign, IL

  • 154.6000 (CSQ) (Note: Formerly used 151.955 CSQ)

Note: They use Motorola XTN radios on channel 1. As of 2010, they now use Motorola RDX series radios.

Other Stores

Wal-Mart - Savoy, IL

  • 154.5700 CSQ

Wal-Mart - Urbana, IL

  • 154.5700 CSQ

Lincoln Square Mall - Urbana, IL

  • Expired license KB29889 was for 469.9250. They still have UHF handhelds but there is so little activity there I've never heard their frequency.

Savoy 16 Theater - Savoy, IL

  • 464.3750 DCS115 (main operations)
  • 464.5000 DCS115 (alternate operations)

Related Links

Champaign County scanner frequencies

Related information

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