Champaign County (IL)
From The RadioReference Wiki
Return to Champaign County IL database page
- 1 Champaign County Government
- 2 METCAD - Champaign County 911 WEB
- 3 Champaign County Sheriff's Department
- 4 Champaign County EMA (Emergency Management)
- 5 Illinois State Police
- 6 Champaign (City) WEB
- 7 Urbana (City
- 8 Other CU Districts
- 9 Other Municipalities
- 9.1 Township/Village Highway
- 9.2 Broadlands
- 9.3 Corn Belt Fire Protection District (Mahomet)
- 9.4 Fisher
- 9.5 Gifford
- 9.6 Homer (Village)
- 9.7 Ivesdale
- 9.8 Ludlow
- 9.9 Mahomet
- 9.10 Ogden
- 9.11 Pesotum
- 9.12 Philo
- 9.13 Rantoul
- 9.14 Royal
- 9.15 Sadorus
- 9.16 Savoy
- 9.17 Sidney
- 9.18 St. Joseph
- 9.19 St. Joseph-Stanton Fire Protection
- 9.20 Thomasboro
- 9.21 Tolono
- 10 EMS Agencies and Hospitals
- 11 EMS Agencies
- 12 Schools
- 13 Colleges and Universities
- 14 Related links
- 15 Fire Pager Tones
- 16 Federal Government
- 17 Airports
- 18 Related Wiki Pages
Champaign County Government
Champaign County Forest Preserve WEB
- 10/22 add 453.3875 Repeater DMR 40W WQCM420
- 151.145 Repeater with 15-40W mobiles WNCD535 BELL TOWER LAKE OF WOODS PARK, Mahomet
METCAD - Champaign County 911 WEB
Responsibilities include answering all 911 calls in the Champaign County area, and coordinating responses with two ambulance companies, 24 fire departments and 10 law enforcement agencies.
- Consolidated dispatch center which was established in June of 1979 with 9 Telecommunicators, serving the Police Departments in Champaign, Urbana and the University of Illinois. In 1983, the Champaign County Sheriff's Office joined METCAD and in 1988 METCAD merged with FIRECOMM to consolidate fire and police dispatching services.
- Now answers emergency 9-1-1 calls for all of Champaign County. With a staff of 33** Telecommunicators, 3 Supervisors, 1 Operations Manager, 4 Technical Staff Members and 3 Administrative Staff Members, we provide direct dispatch service for all law enforcement and fire agencies through-out Champaign County.
- County-wide Enhanced 9-1-1 system on March 5, 1996.
- Funded by contributions from member public safety agencies as well as a surcharge on each land line telephone and wireless device billed to an address in the county.
MDICE Digital P25 System
- August 2007 through September 2007 - Champaign County Law Enforcement Agencies begin using MDICE. Agency cut-over was staggered over a two month period.
- December 2008 - Area Fire Departments begin using MDICE.
- July 2014 - The Village of Rantoul joins METCAD, METCAD assumes responsibility for answering all 9-1-1 calls and dispatching for Rantoul Police Department and Rantoul Fire Department.
- June 2022 - One of the towers at the METCAD facility that was installed in 1980 was retired. The tower reached 235 feet to its top and served as the primary first responder radio tower from 1980 to 2007.
- May 2024 - A new radio tower was assembled in Mahomet along Lake of the Woods Road. This new tower will allow for improved communications on the MDICE system and fire paging throughout the western portion of Champaign County.
- Should have around 37 dispatchers, but have about half that amount - 9/24 News Story
- General system information including the implementation timeline and radio ids has been moved to the separate METCAD MDICE TRS wiki page. Specific agency usage information can still be found under their respective sections on this page.
- The following agencies use IWIN: Champaign County Sheriff, Champaign Fire; Police: Champaign, Gifford, Homer, Ludlow, Ogden, Rantoul, Tolono, Urbana, U of I
Champaign County Sheriff's Department
- As of August 21, 2007, the Champaign County Sheriff's Department is using MDICE TG 21501 'Patrol 2'. For emergencies, the responding units will use TG 21507 PATROL OPS 2 (which is encrypted). The Courthouse started using MDICE in place of 460.2250 on 11/29/07.
Dispatched by METCAD.
- Units: 500s are Sheriff's Department Deputies. The Sheriff's Department uses the MDICE TRS TG 21501. Also on the same channel/talkgroup are Rantoul PD (Rantoul #) and Village PDs (6Letter#). 6Letter# are village PD units (the number corresponds to the beat; such as 6David24 is a Tolono PD officer and 6Baker22 is a Mahomet PD officer).
Champaign County Sheriff Conventional Frequencies (that are still used):
- 453.3000 (MOTOTRBO) Champaign County Jail (low power repeater)
- 453.7250 (118.8) Champaign County Juvenile Detention Center (simplex)
Metropolitan Area / Champaign County
City of Champaign (Lead Agency) Agency in 1979 Champaign Police Champaign Fire City of Urbana* Urbana Police Urbana Fire University of Illinois* University of Illinois Police Willard Crash-Rescue Champaign County Champaign County Sheriff's Office Champaign County Emergency Management Agency Champaign County Animal Control Village of Rantoul Rantoul Police Rantoul Fire
Rural Law Enforcement
- Villages: Fisher Police, Ludlow Police, Mahomet Police, Thomasboro Police, Tolono Police
Rural Fire Departments & Fire Protection Districts Bondville Fire Department Broadlands-Longview Fire Protection District Carroll Fire Protection District Cornbelt (Mahomet) Fire Protection District Eastern Prairie Fire Protection District Edge-Scott Fire Protection District Gifford Fire Protection District Homer-Sidney Fire Protection District Ivesdale Fire Protection District Ludlow Fire Protection District Ogden-Royal Fire Protection District Pesotum Fire Protection District Philo Fire Protection District Sadorus Fire Protection District Sangamon Valley Fire Protection District Savoy Fire Department Seymour Fire Department St. Joseph-Stanton Fire Protection District Thomasboro Fire Protection District Tolono Fire Protection District
Champaign County EMA (Emergency Management)
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description |
21200 | 52d0 | D | EMA Admin | Administration [EMA Admin] |
21201 | 52d1 | D | EMA Ops 1 | Operations [EMA Ops 1] |
21202 | 52d2 | D | EMA Ops 2 | Coordination [EMA Ops 2] |
21203 | 52d3 | D | EMA Region 7 | Region 7 Net [EMA RGN7] |
21204 | 52d4 | D | EMA Weather | Weather Spotter Operations [WEATHER] |
21205 | 52d5 | D | EMA PIO | Public Information Officer [EMA PIO] |
21250 | 5302 | D | EMA Ops 6 Wx | Weather Spotter Operations [EMA OPS6] |
Severe weather alert message are broadcast on MDICE TRS TG 24975 as well as on IREACH 155.055 and Rural Fire 154.25.
The main channel to monitor when storms approach is TG 21204 on the MDICE TRS. To get a regional perspective on the storm's progress, Champaign County EMA gives and receives updates from Lincoln WX on Starcom21 TG 30324. Also worth monitoring is the Champaign County ARES spotter channel 444.100 (162.2). Since 444.1000 is used for other purposes during regular weather, it is best to lock it out in your scanner until the weather turns severe. 155.0400 (131.8) and 155.1150 (131.8) are no longer used for weather spotting purposes.
Champaign County weather radio check is conducted the first Tuesday each month at 10am on MDICE TRS TG 21204.
- MDICE TRS TG 21201 EMA OPS 1 if County EMA is involved in a major storm
- MDICE TRS TG 21204 "WEATHER" - weather spotter reports to the EOC
- 444.1000 (162.2) Champaign County ARES spotters [repeater]
- 147.0600 (131.8) Champaign County ARES (backup to 444.100) [repeater]
- 146.5500 (CSQ) Champaign County weather spotter simplex
Village/Rural Spotters
- 151.115 (131.8) Homer ESDA [repeater]
- 155.865 (131.8) Mahomet ESDA
- 154.995 (CSQ) Pesotum ESDA
- 155.775 (CSQ) Philo ESDA
- 158.805 (127.3) Savoy ESDA [repeater] -->likely replaced by 151.01 DCS205 [repeater]
- 158.82 (186.2) Thomasboro ESDA
- 151.0775 (DCS 223) Tolono ESDA [repeater]
Supplemental Information from's Database:
Champaign County EMA
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.07000 | 156.01500 | KNNK417 | RM | 131.8 PL | Champ WxSirens | Outdoor Warning Sirens (DTMF activation) | FMN | Data |
45.56000 | BM | 103.5 PL | Champ ESDA45 | ESDA: Local Net (210.7 PL State?) | FM | Emergency Ops |
Illinois State Police
Champaign-Urbana is located within ISP District 10. Pesotum, IL is the district HQ. Patrol units are X#'s, matching their patrol car's license plate in most cases.
- As of 8/9/07, ISP D10 now uses Starcom21 for it's operations
ISP District 10 Starcom21 Trunked System :
Site | Name | Freqs | |||||
003 (3) | Champaign | 851.412500 | 851.937500c | 852.462500a | 852.987500 | 854.962500 | 855.162500 |
Site | Name | Freqs | ||||
006 (6) | Pesotum | 851.362500 | 852.412500a | 852.937500a | 853.462500 | 854.562500c |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description |
13029 | 32e5 | D | D10 IREACH | IREACH Patch |
13041 | 32f1 | D | D10 Local Patch | Local Patch |
13076 | 3314 | D | D10 Intercom | Intercom |
Statewide ISP frequencies formerly used around Champaign-Urbana.
With the exception of IREACH and ISPERN, these will likely not be used often anymore. They're still included for reference and historical purposes.
- 155.475 HF-1 ISPERN - Illinois State Police Emergency Radio Network {base transmits 67.0 PL}
- 155.055 HF-3 I-REACH -- Statewide Interagency Mutual Aid
- 155.46 HF-4 Rarely used in Champaign-Urbana, except it is used at U of I football games
- 42.5 LF-2 Statewide car-car (ex. radar details)
- 154.905 ISP DCI HF-2 Rarely used in District 10 (mobiles tx PL 110.9 while base tx CSQ)
- 155.505 ISP Mobile Extenders
ISP District 10 Pesotum Conventional Frequencies:
The old conventional VHF frequencies that were used for decades up to 8/9/07. These may still occasionally be active, so don’t remove them from your scanner just yet. The 700 MHz frequencies are for the Starcom21 mobile extenders.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.69500 | KSA464 | B | 251 DPL | ISP D10 HFB2 | Dispatch: Champaign/Urbana area (no 67.0 PL as of 9/10) | FMN | Law Dispatch |
764.46875 | WPTZ798 | M | 165 DPL | ISP D10 MX-O | Vehicular Repeater/Mobile Extender - Out (to SC21) | FMN | Law Dispatch |
794.46875 | WPTZ798 | M | 423 DPL | ISP D10 MX-I | Vehicular Repeater/Mobile Extender - In (to SC21) | FMN | Law Dispatch |
City, State, and County Highway Departments
MDICE TRS TG 22705 Urbana Public Works
MDICE TRS TG 22701 Champaign Public Works
151.0100 (DCS205) Savoy Public Works
153.5450 (192.8) Rantoul Public Works
Starcom21 TRS, Site 203 - TG 5671 IDOT Leverett and TG 5670 IDOT Champaign. For other IDOT TGs, see below.
MDICE TRS TG 22708 County Highway Department
State IDOT (adjacent jurisdictions)
You're likely to hear activity from these IDOT Yards on Starcom21 TRS (TG Yard):
- 3742 IDOT District 4: Gibson City Yard (Ford County)
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description |
4480 | 1180 | D | DT5 Operations A | Operations A |
4481 | 1181 | D | DT5 Operations B | Operations B |
4488 | 1188 | D | DT5 Operations C | Operations C |
4489 | 1189 | D | DT5 Operations D | Operations D |
5662 | 161e | D | DT5 MonticElo Yd | Monticello Yard [Piatt] |
5663 | 161f | D | DT5 Clinton Yard | Clinton Yard [DeWitt] |
5664 | 1620 | D | DT5 Bloomington | Bloomington Yard [McLean] |
5665 | 1621 | D | DT5 Townda/LeRoy | Towanda / Leroy Yards [McLean] |
5666 | 1622 | D | DT5 Paris Yard | Paris Yard [Edgar] |
5667 | 1623 | D | DT5 Tuscola Yard | Tuscola Yard [Douglas] |
5668 | 1624 | D | DT5 Fithian Yard | Fithian Yard [FN-Vermilion] |
5669 | 1625 | D | DT5 Danvile Yard | Danville Yard [Vermilion] |
5670 | 1626 | D | DT5 Champaign Yd | Champaign Yard [Champaign] |
5671 | 1627 | D | DT5 Leverett Yd | Leverett Yard [Champaign] |
5672 | 1628 | D | DT5 Signs/Brdges | Sign Shop / Bridge Yard (Ridgway?) |
Champaign (City) WEB
- City/METCAD - 200-6W portables on 453.25, 453.4, 453.975, 458.25, 458.4, 458.975 (NFM) KE7428 CANCELLED 3/25
Champaign Police
- 700 units - Champaign PD Patrol 900 units - Champaign PD Supervisors
- As of September 24, 2007, Champaign Police is using MDICE for all their operations.
Their dispatch talkgroup TG 21500 'PATROL 1' IS NOT simulcast on 453.4000 however. All UHF usage is over. For emergencies or car-car, the units will use TG 21506 PATROL OPS 1 (which is encrypted). During events, if they are not on PATROL 1, they will use INCIDENT 4 or one of the other INCIDENT talkgroups.
Dispatched by METCAD.
- Units: 700s - patrol officers; 900s - supervisors; 7K#s - command officers
Champaign Police Beats
North District
Beat 1-1 - East of Neil and north of University Ave.
Beat 1-2 - Prospect to Neil north of University Ave.
Northwest District
Beat 1-3 - Area bounded by Prospect, University Ave, McKinley
Beat 1-4 - Area bounded by University, McKinley and Bradley
Beat 1-5 - Duncan to Rising Rd. north of University Ave. and South of Bloomington Rd. (not on the map)
South District
Beat 2-1 - East of Neil St and south of University Ave.
Beat 2-2 - Prospect to Neil but south of University Ave.
Southwest District
Beat 2-3 - Mattis to Prospect but south of University Ave.
Beat 2-4 - West of Mattis and south of University Ave.
Source: Chamapign City Council Meeting - June 26, 2007 "Policing Strategies by District" (SS 2007-042)
Champaign Fire
- As of 1/29/08, using MDICE for their operations. Paging occurs on 154.25 which is simulcast on MDICE TG 22012 FIRE DISPATCH. Fire responses are on TG 22000 FIRE OPS 1. FIREGROUND talkgroups are used for working fires, especially FIREGROUND 1.
Dispatched by METCAD
- Units: Champaign County MABAS Division 28 changed all the county fire radio ids on 11/26/07. Current Champaign Fire radio ids can be found here.
Champaign Park District
Urbana (City
Urbana Police
- METCAD Police Codes, Unit Numbers and Terminology
- Urbana Police - Daily Activity Log
- Urbana Police - Beat Map
- As of August 24, 2007, Urbana PD is using MDICE for all their operations.
Their dispatch talkgroup TG 21502 'PATROL 3' (was PATROL 2 prior to 7/8/14). For emergencies or car-car, the units will use TG 21508 PATROL OPS 3. During events, if they are not on PATROL 3, they will use INCIDENT 4 or one of the other INCIDENT talkgroups.
Dispatched by METCAD
- Units: 300s - patrol officers; 400s - supervisors
Dispatch is on MDICE TG 21502 - also on this channel are U of I PD (100s/200s).
Urbana Fire
- As of January 29, 2008, Urbana Fire is using MDICE for their operations. Paging occurs on 155.04 which is simulcast on MDICE TG 22012 FIRE DISPATCH. Fire responses are on TG 22000 FIRE OPS 1. FIREGROUND talkgroups are used for working fires, especially FIREGROUND 1.
Dispatched by METCAD.
- Units: 200s
Urbana Park District
- 151.43 DCS506 (removing snow at their facilities)
Other CU Districts
Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District
Champaign-Urbana Public Health District
- Champaign County METCAD MDICE - Project 25 Phase I CUPHD has talkgroup 22716 assigned to them
- 151.0925 M Mobile Ops WREI979 FCC Terminated 10/20 WQCP549 [Expired 4/15]
Other Municipalities
Township/Village Highway
151.055 KIL250 BM Pesotum Township Road District [Expired 6/05] FMN Deprecated 1/2/25- 151.115 (131.8) Village of Homer
- 155.865 (131.8) Village of Mahomet
- 151.31 DCS071 Village of St Joseph
Rantoul Township Road District - serve the rural roads to the south and west of Rantoul.
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
159.01500 | KD43761 | M | CSQ | Chmpgn TwpRoads | Champaign Township Road District | FMN | Public Works | |
159.12000 | 153.90500 | WPWM787 | RM | 131.8 PL | EBend Twp Roads | East Bend Road District (Dewey) | FMN | Public Works |
159.16500 | WNHP851 | BM | 103.5 PL | HensleyTwp Roads | Hensley Township Road District [Expired 12/21] | FMN | Public Works | |
159.07500 | WPXB677 | BM | NewcombTwpRoads | Newcomb Township Road District (Highway/Snow Plows) | FMN | Public Works | ||
159.01500 | KB31731 | M | CSQ | Urbana Twp Roads | Urbana Township Road District | FMN | Public Works | |
151.07000 | 159.04500 | WPWE967 | RM | 244 DPL | Ogdrn Twp Roads | Ogden Township Road Maintenance | FMN | Public Works |
156.12000 | WQPA546 | BM | 123.0 PL | SadorusTwpRoads | Sadorus Township Road Maintenance [Expired 3/22] | FMN | Public Works | |
151.03250 | 155.99250 | WQRC999 | RM | 162.2 PL | Tolono Twp Roads | Tolono Township: Roads [Expired 4/23] | FMN | Public Works |
453.33750 | 458.33750 | WQVH393 | RM | 464 DPL | Comprms TwpRoads | Compromise Township: Road District [Expires 2/25] | FMN | Public Works |
- EMA 154.9275 Mobiles WQPZ343
- 154.13 BM 82.5 PL Brdlnds Fire: Dispatch (DB: Douglas County Sheriff) (Sheriff tone is 123.0)
Corn Belt Fire Protection District (Mahomet)
- Serves Mahomet and the surrounding areas (west of Champaign).
- An Arrow Ambulance paramedic is stationed and responds with CBFPD.
- 155.88 BM ESDA: Local [Expired 8/24] FMN KNJX295 Deprecated 1/2/25
- EMS by Arrow Ambulance
- 151.3775 WQRS200 F EMA / Outdoor Warning Sirens [Terminated 2014] (CSQ) Telm Emergency Ops
Homer (Village)
- 456.05 FXO at Homer/Ogden for Water Data
- EMS by Arrow Medical Services
- 453.3125 KCP502 BM Water/Sewer: GPS/Digital [Expired 6/23] Telm Deprecated 1/2/25
956.28125 WQHJ767 F Data [Expired 8/17] Telm Deprecated 1/2/25
Mahomet ESDA WEB
- Law by the Champaign County Sheriff - on the MDICE TRS {Beat 17}
155.895 WNPE552 BM ESDA [Expired 12/23] FMN Deprecated 1/2/25
- Since July 8, 2014, Rantoul PD is dispatched by METCAD on MDICE PATROL 2 TG 21501. They identify on the air as "Rantoul #". County Sheriff (500s) and the rural towns (6-Letter-#) also share the talkgroup with them.
- EMS by Arrow Medical Services
155.145 KNCZ423 BM ESDA [Expired 3/22] FMN Deprecated 1/2/25
- Law by Champaign County Sheriff - now on MDICE TRS {Beat 10}
- EMS coverage by PRO Ambulance
- Law by Champaign County Sheriff- on MDICE TRS {Beat 18}
158.82 KNJT929 BM Village Ops [Expired] FMN Deprecated 1/2/25
St. Joseph
- Law by Champaign County Sheriff - on MDICE TRS
154.025 KNHJ734 BM ESDA / Public Works [Expired 9/23] FMN Deprecated 1/2/25
St. Joseph-Stanton Fire Protection
- Units IDs 140s
- EMS by Arrow
EMS Agencies and Hospitals
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THIS INFORMATION NEEDS COMBINED BELOW, added 12/21/24 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Arrow Ambulance (AMSEC)
Arrow Medical Services / Carle Arrow Ambulance
- Carle Arrow Ambulance, based in Champaign, IL operated by/under the direction of Carle Foundation Hospital (Urbana, IL), the region's only Level 1 Trauma Center and Level 3 Perinatal / Neonatal Center . Arrow is a 911 Responding, ALS (1 ILS volunteer unit), Metropolitan & Rural, Hospital Based, Private & Non-for-Profit Ambulance Service.
Serving the emergency needs of Champaign, Dewitt, and Douglas Counties with postings in Champaign/Urbana, Sadorus, Tuscola, Villa Grove, and Farmer City with a Paramedic first responder is stationed 24/7 with Cornbelt Fire Protection District (Mahomet).
Providing Emergency Medical Services to the Citizens of Champaign, Urbana & Bondville fire protection areas by assignment of Medic Response Zones, which rotate monthly.
Primary EMS transporting provider in Champaign, Douglas, and Dewitt Counties to the following Fire Departments / Districts: Broadlands/Longview Carroll, Cornbelt, Edgescott, Sadorus/Ivesdale, Philo, Pesotum, Sidney, St. Joseph, Tolono, Atwood, Camargo, Farmer City, Newman, Tuscola, and Villa Grove.
Each ambulance is ALS, staffed with minimum of one Paramedic and one EMT-B. The ambulance in Sadorus is staffed with at least one EMT-I & EMT-B with personnel provided by Sadorus/Ivesdale Fire.
The company has 12 ambulances at this time: 8275, 8276, 8277, 8278, 8279, 8281, 8282, 8283, 8284, 8285, 8286, 8287. 2 Command Units: 8210 staffed by the Director and 8202 and 8203 staffed by the regional Managers. Special Service Vehicles: 8291 an ALS equipped stretcher transporting golf cart for U of I sports events & other standby’s as well as 8292 which is the Large Incident/Relief Mobile Clinic, responds primarily for working fires in Champaign and adjoining counties. Arrow also operates two wheelchair units 8221 and 8222 that are used for hospital discharge units to take wheelchair bound people home after hospital stays.
Airlife 1 Carle Foundation Hospital and ARCH Air Medical Service, Inc. have come together to offer emergency air medical transportation services to east central Illinois. The 18-member flight crew consists of experienced EMS pilots, physicians, critical care flight registered nurses, obstetrical and neonatal nurses, and critical care flight paramedics. AirLife currently operates two Eurocopter H-130's based in Urbana and Olney. They are dispatched jointly through ARCH in Saint Louis and AMSEC in Champaign.
AMSEC – Arrow Medical Services Emergency Communications Working in conjunction with METCAD (Champaign County PSAP), CENCOM (Dewitt County PSAP), and “Douglas” (Douglas County PSAP), AMSEC telecommunicators are tasked with the gathering of information related to a pending medical call provided by the PSAP/Private Caller, pinpointing its location, dispatching the appropriate unit, and support of units responding to an emergency call. All AMSEC telecommunicators are National Academy of Emergency Dispatch, Emergency Medical Dispatch Trained/Certified to provide private line callers the same experience as calling 9-1-1. Primary means of communication is a base Motorola Centracom which allows monitoring/speaking on Arrow Ops 1(MDICE), Arrow CU/Airlife Paging (UHF), and Arrow Douglas Talk/Paging (UHF), and Champaign County Fire Paging which is simulcast on Arrow Paging Channel (VHF). All units have individual dual tones which allows AMSEC to open their station/unit Minitor V.
Arrow uses MDICE FIRE OPS 1 or FIREGROUND channels to communicate with METCAD for calls in Champaign County. ARROW OPS 1 used as primary talk channel for all units and AMSEC.
AMT East Ambulance WEB FB
- American Medical Transport, 408 S Neil St, Champaign, IL 61820
Formerly OSF Pro Ambulance (Champaign) disbanded 1/17/22
- In January of 2022, Advanced Medical Transport (AMT) brought our nationally-recognized model of Emergency Medical Services to parts of Champaign and Vermilion counties, replacing the former OSF PRO ambulance services.
- Advanced Medical Transport (AMT) is the premier provider of emergency and scheduled ambulance services in Central, Eastern and Western Illinois. AMT also operates another enterprise serving clients in Southeast Iowa with diverse needs. AMT is a private, not-for-profit organization governed by a community-based Board of Directors.
- A division of Advanced Medical Transport of Eastern Illinois. IPT provides services to hospitals and patients requiring compassionate supervision during transportation between healthcare facilities. The division is responsible for transportation throughout Illinois, except Cook County. Operated 24 hours a day, the service uses a high quality, technologically advanced fleet of automobiles.
- 1 unit at Pro Central (Neil and Springfield)
- 1 unit at Rantoul Police/Fire
- 1 unit at Prow West or Urbana 1 (depends on the month Arrow and Pro trade Champaign (Medic 4) and Urbana (Medic 1) response areas on the 15th of each month)
- Formerly 1 unit at Savoy Fire (Arrow now has the Savoy Contract)
EMS Units: (Plates 6 716 01 - 6 716 15) Type III ALS
Note added 8/6/21, the above is very out of date and needs updated. Pro is no longer at any of the above stations, except for "Pro Central". Pro now works 24 hour shifts.
EMS Agencies
- Paging for medical calls is on 154.25 (131.8).
The ambulance will communicate with either Carle or Presence Hospitals on MERCI 155.34 with a PL tone of either 186.2 or 210.7. The hospitals transmit back on 155.34 in CSQ.
Arrow Ambulance
- As of November 2011, Arrow Ambulance is now using MDICE for its responses in Champaign County
Arrow Ambulances communicate with METCAD on either MDICE Fire Ops 1 or Fireground 5 (as directed by METCAD via page on 154.250) and communicate with their dispatch on the frequencies listed below:
- MDICE TG 22016 Arrow Ops 1 - Arrow Ambulance Dispatch
- 151.3475 (CSQ) Arrow Ambulance paging (and simulcasts of Arrow pages by METCAD on 154.2500)
- MDICE TG 22017 Arrow Ops 2 - encrypted
- 462.975 (179.9) still used by Airlife medical helicopter, rarely used by Arrow Ambulance Dispatch
PRO/AMT Ambulance
- As of May 2009, PRO Ambulance is now using MDICE for its responses in Champaign County
Pro Ambulances communicate with METCAD on either MDICE Fire Ops 1 or Fireground 5 (as directed by METCAD via page on 155.0400) and communicate with their dispatch on the frequencies listed below:
- MDICE TRS TG 22018 - PRO OPS 1 Pro Ambulance Dispatch
- MDICE TRS TG 22019 - PRO OPS 2 Pro Ambulance Ops (rarely used)
462.9500 (186.2) PRO Ambulance DispatchNO LONGER IN USE, repeater still active (mostly wrong channel traffic here)461.6000 (DCS464) PRO Ambulance - Medivan -- No longer used??No longer in use (updated 8/6/21, but this hasn't been in use for years)
All Danville/Vermilion County and travel operations are on Starcom21 TG 6236 As of January 2022, PRO Ambulance is now AMT Ambulance
U of I - Illini Emergency Medical Service
Provides medical coverage for U of I events.
- 451.45 (DMR) Illini Emergency Medical Service - main operations (used this channel when it was analog, unsure if they still use it...see below)
- MDICE TRS TG 22717 - IEMS used this during the 2014 Illinois Marathon
- 158.865 (CSQ) Illini Emergency Medical Service - "talkabout" channel -- still used??
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< MOVE TO HOSPITAL PAGE
Carle Foundation Hospital
- 464.8000 (DMR) Carle Hospital Security
- 463.4500 (DCS411) Carle Hospital Maintenance
- 464.4250 (DCS226) Carle Hospital Shuttle Buses
OSF HMMC Hospital
- 461.6250 (DCS624) Presence Covenant Hospital Security
- See Database page
- Temporary Hospital WIKI
CUSD#7 (Tolono)
- Wireless Clocks on 467.2125 Mobiles/pagers WQQX263
Heritage School District 8
- 452.2 Repeater (not heard in use) 464.05 Repeater CAP+ CC14 TG11 heard in area - POSSIBLY connected to the Champaign system (2019) WQVH525
Mahomet-Seymour School District 3
- 40-4W portables on 457.675, 461.9875, 466.9875, 462.0875, 467.0875 (NFM/DMR) WQSY393
Rantoul City School District 137 WEB
- 461.375 80W Repeater with 20-4W portables on 466.375, 464.3375, 469.3375 (NFM) WSEY616 Issued 10/24
Rantoul Township High School
- Safety/Security - 45-4W portables on 463/468.6625, 464/469.8625, 466.9125 (DMR) WRUE248
Colleges and Universities
University of Illinois
- Info has been migrated to the University of Illinois WIKI.
- U of I PD - Weekly Crime Reports Summary <<<<<<<<<<< MOVE
Parkland College WEB/MAPS
- As of December 17, 2007, Parkland College Police is now using MDICE TRS TG 21505 (Patrol 6). They no longer use 453.825.
- 453.5750 (151.4) Parkland College Maintenance
Related links
Fire Pager Tones
Federal Government
Frequencies logged mid 2012 to early 2013.
Frequency | Tone/NAC | Encrypted? | Location heard | Notes |
163.8625 | Yes | Downtown Champaign | 5 bars signal strength (common FBI repeater input frequency) | |
167.5375 | Yes | Downtown Champaign, NW Champaign | 1-2 bars signal strength Downtown, 5 bars from Arrowhead Lanes parking lot, 3 bars near downtown Urbana (common FBI repeater output frequency) | |
167.5625 | Yes | Near Downtown Urbana | 3 bars (common FBI simplex freq) | |
168.9875 | Yes | Downtown Champaign | FBI? | |
170.7250 | Yes | Downtown Champaign | 5 bars signal strength (FBI, DOJ?) | |
170.7500 | Yes | Near Downtown Urbana & east Urbana | (common freq for federal courthouses) | |
406.7625 | DCS122 | No | Downtown Champaign | Room 5034 mentioned, is this an image of another UHF freq? |
Willard Airport
- MDICE TRS TG 22718 U of I Willard Airport - snow plow trucks
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