Medical Helicopters / EMS Agencies (Area Wide) (MO) - The RadioReference Wiki

Medical Helicopters / EMS Agencies (Area Wide) (MO)

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State of Missouri Bureau of EMS WEB

  • All Missouri EMS Agencies PDF
  • All Missouri EMRA Agencies PDF (Emergency Medical Response Agency)

Resource Numbering

i. Inter-regional responses will utilize an apparatus numbering system in order to:
1. Facilitate identification of requested resources at entry and within the incident
2. Facilitate entry of mutual aid apparatus into local computer aided dispatch (CAD) systems as desired for resource tracking.

The numbering system has three components:
1. The two-digit state identifier indicating this is a Missouri mutual aid resource.

2. The “M” that follows to indicate medic/medical unit.

3. The three-digit number that will identify by series which region the asset is from. Resources where the last digit is a “0” will indicate a specialty resource such as strike team leader, supervisor or support vehicle.

iii. Resource Placard Number
1. The numbering system as shown below:
2. This number will be written or printed on a paper or cardboard placard no less than 8, ½” x 11” which shall be placed on the inside of the left side of the windshield in such a way as to be visible from outside the vehicle when possible.

3. The numbering scheme will be as follows:
a. To easily define these units as mutual aid, the preface of MO will be placed in front of all identifiers and the letter M to signify a “medic” or EMS unit.
i. Region A: 100 Series
ii. Region B: 200 Series
iii. Region C: 300 Series
iv. Region D: 400 Series
v. Region E: 500 Series
vi. Region F: 600 Series
vii. Region G: 700 Series
viii. Region H: 800 Series
ix. Region I: 900 Series

b. The first number will always indicate the resource region.
c. The second and third number will signify if the resource is an ambulance or other resource.
i. Strike team leaders, support vehicles and misc. vehicles will be designated with the ending digit of 0.
1. Example: a strike team leader for region A could be designated as 110 or 120.
d. Ambulance resources will be all other numbers not ending in a zero (0). For example, a region B ambulance could be 204, 205, etc.
e. Example of a completed placard:
i. Region A Ambulance: MO-M101 and identified as Missouri Medic 101.
ii. Region H Ambulance: MO-M808 and identified as Missouri Medic 808.

4. Radio Designator
a. The radio designator will be the number prefaced with “MO”.
i. Example: apparatus operators will identify themselves on the radio as “Missouri Medic XXX”.

5. Other adjoining state identifiers
a. The apparatus, radio and CAD designators will all be identical for any out of state apparatus responding into an affected Missouri jurisdiction; each designator will be
comprised of the state abbreviation, the resource type, and the sequential number of the requested unit.
i. Example:
1. Apparatus placard: IL – M101
2. Radio designation: “Illinois Medic 101”
b. Note: It is up to the requesting jurisdiction as to whether the dispatch agency will create units in the CAD for the mutual aid resources. If no CAD is used, the CAD designators can also be used on T-cards, forms, other resource tracking tools, etc.

EMS Ambulance unit types

  • ALS Ambulance (ALS) Type I – An ambulance (transporting vehicle) equipped and staffed to provide paramedic advanced life support (ALS) services and transporting at

least 2 litter patients. Minimum staffing of two (2) personnel (1 paramedic, 1 EMT). Capable of and trained to function in a Hazardous Material Environment, at least Level B.

  • ALS Ambulance (ALS) Type II – An ambulance (transporting vehicle) equipped and staffed to provide paramedic advanced life support (ALS) services and transporting at

least 2 litter patients. Minimum staffing of two (2) personnel (1 paramedic, 1 EMT).

  • BLS Ambulance (BLS) Type III – An ambulance (transporting vehicle) equipped and staffed to provide basic life support (BLS) services and transport 2 litter patients. Minimum staffing of two (2) personnel (2 EMTs). Capable of and trained to function in a Hazardous Material Environment, at least Level B.
  • BLS Ambulance (BLS) Type IV – An ambulance (transporting vehicle) equipped and staffed to provide basic life support (BLS) services and transport 2 litter patients. Minimum staffing of two (2) personnel (2 EMTs)

Missouri Emergency Medical Services Association WEB

  • Missouri EMS professionals across the state participate as MEMSA members in legislative and lobbying issues, important industry information with your fellow 17,000 Missouri EMS professionals, entertaining events to earn CEUs, shared experience and networking and more.

Missouri Ambulance Association WEB

  • Provides networking opportunities, professional development opportunities, leadership training, education, outreach, and legislative advocacy for Missouri’s first responders. Members include: Ambulance districts, Fire departments, Air ambulance providers, Hospital-based ambulance providers, Private ambulance companies, Commercial vendors

Medical Helicopters

  • All Missouri Air Ambulance Agencies PDF

Air Methods

  • WEB

ARCH Air Medical Services See the (Multistate) ARCH WIKI

ARCH Helicopter - Dispatch

Frequency  Input   
License  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
453.01250      WPCH899     ARCH StL RF2 Remote Link (not in use?)  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
461.52500  466.52500   WPLR946   RM  192.8 PL  ARCH St Louis ARCH Dispatch - St Louis  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
155.23500        127.3 PL  StJohns Lifeline St. John's Lifeline  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
458.01250      WPCH899   141.3 PL  ARCH StL RF1 Remote Link (Rebroadcasts 461.525 & 466.525 192.8 PL)  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
462.95000  467.95000   WNJN974   RM  192.8 PL  ARCH Cape Cape Repeater (Cape Girardeau MO)  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
462.97500  467.97500   KNDU260   RM  136.5 PL  ARCH Joplin Joplin Repeater [Joplin EMS, Expired 8/02]  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
152.33000  157.59000   WNSR916   RM  131.8 PL  ARCH SedaliaMO Sedalia MO repeater (Central Comm Srvc Co)  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
127.90000      WSY7   CSQ  ARCH Air1279 Air Operations (St Louis) [Expired 12/08]  AM  Aircraft 
452.05000  457.05000     RM    ARCH Warrenton Dispatch (Warrenton area) [No License]  FMN  EMS Dispatch 

Wolfsburg - Sides A & B (Actual HELO Radio Layout)

  • Formerly Listed

Staff for Life (Columbia MO)

St. John's EMS/Regional Health Care (Springfield)

St Johns Medflight (Joplin)

  • Serves SouthEast Kansas - just added an additional helicopter in Parsons. MedFlight is a partnership between St. John's Regional Medical Center and ARCH Air Medical Service, Inc., one of the nation's oldest and most respected services. MedFlight's affiliation with ARCH provides access to over 13 aircraft, including two fixed-wing aircraft, in the case of a major catastrophe.

St. John's Lifeline

  • Lifeline 1 - Springfield
  • Lifeline 2 - St. Robert
  • Lifeline 3 - Bolivar

(GMR) Air Evac Lifeteam WEB FB

  • Air Evac Nationwide
  • Part of GMR (Global Medical Response) and AirMedCare Network [GMR also owns AMR Ambulance]
  • Licenses for nationwide itinerant operation on WPYR891 151.505, 158.4 and WQJU811 464.5. 464.55
    • 151.505 and 158.400 have been used with various tones on a temporary basis when a new base is established, or an existing base is moved, until a new frequency and license is obtained.
  • A satellite tracking system in the helicopters sends a signal back to the communications center so the movement of the aircraft can be tracked at all times. Communicators are able to track an aircraft's heading, location and air speed. If an aircraft runs into a problem, communicators know where it is and what is going on. Messages between communicators and pilots are relayed over a frame relay system. When a communicator speaks to a pilot over the radio, the message is sent to computer routers located on transmission towers throughout Air Evac's service areas. The routers convert the radio waves into data bits that can be transmitted faster and more accurately over the long distance.
Frequency  Input   
License  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
159.71250      WPYF285   BM  032 DPL  AEL Cape Dispatch - Sikeston (Cape Giradeau)   FMN  EMS Dispatch 
152.99750      WPRL740   BM  032 DPL  AEL Cuba Dispatch - St Clair (Cuba-Crawford Co)  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
159.70500      WPWS479   BM  032 DPL  >>>AE5 Quincy Dispatch - Quincy (Mt. Sterling - Brown Co IL)  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
153.08000      WQIA711   BM  073 DPL  AEL Troy MO Dispatch - Troy (Lincoln Co)   FMN  EMS Dispatch 
153.35000  158.14500   WQIA712   RM  032 DPL  AEL Gainesville Dispatch - Gainesville (Ozark Co)   FMN  EMS Dispatch 
159.58500      WQHC691   BM  331 DPL  AEL PopBluf Dispatch - AE20/24 (Poplar Bluff-Butler Co)   FMN  EMS Dispatch 
153.09500      WQIF745   BM  073 DPL  AEL OFallonMO Dispatch - St Clair (O'Fallon-St Charles)  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
154.38500  155.40000   WQR263   RM  100.0 PL  AEL/OMC EMS Ozark Medical Center: AirEvac 1 - South Tower  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
159.75000      WQLE332   BM  032 DPL  AEL Sedalia Dispatch - Sedalia (Ashland-Boone) (Columbia area)  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
151.73000  159.66000   WQLD588   RM  032 DPL  AEL Thayer Dispatch - West Plains (Thayer-Oregon)  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
153.21500      WQCD342   BM  032 DPL  AEL KirksvMO Dispatch - Kirksville (Adair Co)  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
158.40000      WPYR891   125 DPL  AEL Nationwide Nationwide Ops  FMN  EMS-Tac 
160.02000      WQOI856   BM  065 DPL  AEL Frdrktwn Dispatch - Fredericktown  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
158.40000      WPYR891   306 DPL  AEL 1584D306 Dispatch / Ops AE24 (St Louis Metro area)  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
153.26000      WNSR916   BM  065 DPL  AEL Sedalia Dispatch - Sedalia (Pettis Co)  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
158.40000      WPYR891   BM  243 DPL  AEL Sullivan Dispatch - Sullivan area  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
152.39750      WREN278   BM    AEL Louisiana Dispatch - Louisana (Pike County)  FMN  EMS Dispatch 

MU Health Air Medical Service WEB FB

  • Made up of an advanced team of highly qualified pilots, flight nurses and flight medics that provide lifesaving care throughout Missouri, western Illinois and southern Iowa. Although the destination often is a hospital in mid-Missouri, they also transport patients to facilities in Springfield, Kansas City and St. Louis.
  • Will respond to any hospital in Missouri, western Illinois and southern Iowa, and transfer to the preferred receiving facility. Scene flights are typically performed within an approximate 30-mile radius of each base.
  • LANDING ZONE -- Ground contact and preferred frequency (often Fire Mutual Aid or VFIRE21 - 154.28)
  • In 2019, MU Health Care rebranded the flight program Air Medical Service. After operating as the Staff for Life Helicopter service since 1982, a new partnership was established with two industry leaders in air medical transport. Med-Trans Corporation WEB and Air Evac EMS (see above0, Inc. partnered with MU Health Care to provide air medical care from four bases in mid-Missouri: Kirksville, Osage Beach, Sedalia, and Moberly. See more about the bases below.

The Children’s Hospital Critical Care Transport Service (CHCCTS) provides care and transport of neonatal and pediatric medical patients. A change in 2024 positioned Air Evac EMS, Inc. as the FAA Part 135 certificate holder for all four MU Air Medical bases. Air Evac is responsible for aviation and maintenance, as well as billing services.

Bases WEB

MU 1 - Moberly FB

  • Been in continuous operation since 1982 based in Columbia, relocating to Moberly in July 2020, and sports the unique and easily recognized MU Health paint scheme. This Airbus H135P3+ is a state-of-the-art twin engine aircraft. In addition to scene and inter-hospital flights, this helicopter is also the primary aircraft for specialty transport flights (CHCCTS pediatric medical and neonatal transports, and balloon pump patients). It features an additional seat to accommodate staff in orientation as well as MU Emergency Medicine resident physicians and ride-along participants. This aircraft is certified to perform Instrument Flight Rule (IFR) flights.

MU 2 - Osage Beach FB

  • Provides medical care and transport in a Bell 407GX single-engine aircraft. The primary service area is the Lake of the Ozarks region, saving patients significant time by easily traversing the lake and its winding roads. An aircraft has been permanently based in Osage Beach since 1985; the partnership is celebrated by incorporating the Lake Regional Health System logo with the black and gold paint. Patients are primarily transported to Columbia, Osage Beach and Springfield.

MU 3 - Sedalia FB

  • Provides medical care and transport in a Bell 407 single-engine aircraft. Established in 2005, this Air Evac base merged with MU Health Care in 2019 to become part of the MU Air Medical Service team. Designated MU 3, they serve cities such as Sedalia, Marshall, and mainly rural areas of Pettis and surrounding counties. Patients are usually transported to facilities in Columbia or the Kansas City metro area.

MU 4 - Kirksville WEB

  • Serves primarily the rural communities of north Missouri and southern Iowa. Established in 2004, this Air Evac base also merged with MU Health Care in September 2020 to become the fourth MU Air Medical Service base. Based in Kirksville, patients are primarily transported to tertiary care centers in Columbia. This team also provides care and transport in a Bell 407 aircraft. F
  • From the ground, MU 3 and MU 4 will appear identical in the MU Health paint scheme – black and gold with the University’s “spirit tiger” at the rear of the fuselage.
  • All MU Air Medical aircraft feature a variety of safety features: Night vision capability, Garmin Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning System (HTAWS), autopilot, and Flight Data Monitoring Systems (FDMS). The aircraft are tracked via satellite using SkyTrac® from the Communications Center in O’Fallon, Missouri. Medically trained communications specialists with orientation to our specific service area staff this FAA-approved Operations Control Center.

Other Air Medical Companies

Staff for Life (Columbia MO)

  • U of Missouri and Rocky Mountain Helicopters (now Air Methods)
  • Staff for Life 1 ay Columbia, MO -- Staff for Life 2 at Osage Beach, MO
  • 154.965 licensed held be the Curators of the University of Missouri with a 240 km mobile radius
Frequency  License  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
154.96500  KNGS417   BM  192.8 PL  S4L Columbia Dispatch (Columbia-Boone) [was 241.8]  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
152.30000  WNQF825   BM  131.8 PL  S4L Sedalia Dispatch: Scene Flights/Transfers (Sedalia) <b>[Expired
FMN  EMS Dispatch 

Children's Mercy Hospital, Kansas City

CCCT (Children's Critical Care Transport)

Channel lineup for the CCCT (Childrens Critical Care Transport) teams' portable radios. Note: Ch 8 "Transport" on the radio is on the Kansas City Wireless - Passport system

Site Name              
001 (1) Arl Simulcast 01 856.487500 02 856.712500c  03 857.487500 04 857.712500c  05 858.487500 06 858.712500c  07 859.487500 
    08 859.712500c  09 860.487500 10 860.712500c  11 852.562500 12 853.262500 13 855.137500 14 854.812500 
DEC Mode Alpha Tag Description
1-01-101  Dispatch   Cab Dispatch (Mobile TXs code 100 , RXs code 101) so cabs cannot hear each other 
1-01-102  Car to Car  Cab - Car to Car  

Survival Flight 3 WEB FB

  • Hannibal MO (no known communications system)
  • See the SURVIVAL FLIGHT WIKI PAGE (coming soon)

Cox Air Care

  • Dispatched by the Cox EMS Communications Center in Springfield MO on 155.265 using a direct connect type of cell phone.
  • AirCare 1 is a BO 105 (stationed at Cox Medical Center South)
  • AirCare 2 is a Bell Longranger (Ozarks Airport in Hollister, MO (Branson Area))
Frequency  License  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
155.26500  KCR919   BM  118.8 PL  CoxAir Spfld EMS: Dispatch (Springfield)  FMN  EMS Dispatch 

Ozark Mountain Medflight Helicopter

Frequency  Input   
Type  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
462.95000  467.95000   RM  OzkMnt Helo EMS: Operations  FMN  EMS Dispatch 

PHI Air Medical

Lifeflight Eagle WEB

  • 4 helicopters based in Chillicothe, Odessa, Clinton and Harrisonville, Mo., as well as an additional helicopter dedicated to and staffed by the Children's Mercy Critical Care Transport Team in Kansas City. All bases staffed 24/7/365 with a pilot, flight nurse and flight paramedic. Aircraft are operated and maintained by PHI Air Medical.
  • MOSWIN usage on talkgroup 65030 (as of 8/23)
Frequency  Input   
License  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
462.97500  467.97500     RM  156.7 PL  LFE KCity 1 Lifeflight Helicopter Dispatch (KC) (was 192.8)  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
462.97500  467.97500   WZU296   RM  118.8 PL  LFE KCity 2 Lifeflight Helicopter (Kansas City) [Expired 9/04]  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
452.17500  457.17500   WQXG472   RM  172 DPL  LFE Chillicothe Lifeflight Eagle (Chillicothe)  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
464.92500  469.92500   WQIP966   RM  114.8 PL  LFE5 Clinton Lifeflight Eagle 5: Dispatch (Clinton Henry) [Expired 4/18]  FMN  EMS Dispatch 

LifeNet Helicopter (Kansas City)

Frequency  License  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
160.02000  WPPA748   RM  131.8 PL  LifeNet KnsCity Dispatch (Kansas City, IXD Airport) (Jo Co Base)  FMN  EMS Dispatch 
160.18500  WQAQ358   BM  131.8 PL  LifeNet StJoseph Dispatch (Kansas City, STJ Airport) (St. Joe MO-Buchanan County
FMN  EMS Dispatch 

EMS Agencies

MedicOne EMS WEB

  • 20 locations with 110 Ambulances, 465 employees

St Louis County

  • St Louis City and County operations
  • Purchased Gateway Ambulance in 2017? with 200 employees, 47 Ambulances,

South East Missouri Region

  • Dunklin County - Kennett, Campbell, Malden, Senath
  • Pemiscot County - Caruthersville
  • Butler County - Poplar Bluff, Naylor/Neelyville

North East Arkansas Region

  • Craighead County - Brookland, Jonesboro
  • Lawrence County - Walnut Ridge
  • Poinsett County - Harrisburg, Truman

Central Arkansas Region

  • Van Buren County - Clinton, Shirley


  • 900 full and part-time employees that staff more than 120 ambulances, three helicopters, three fixed wing aircraft
  • 2 state of the art communications centers, 1 billing center across a four state region.
  • ZOLL Powered communication hubs in Arkansas and Mississippi, offering licensed Emergency Medical Dispatching for 9-1-1 and non-emergency responses alike. Trained EMDs (Emergency Medical Dispatcher) are certified to direct callers in lifesaving pre-arrival techniques.
  • Primary and back-up emergency 9-1-1 ground and air medical advanced life support (ALS) services under contract in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Oklahoma
  • Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS) Paramedic-Staffed
  • Critical Care and Specialty Care Transports for ICU/ CCU patients (Urgent Critical and Specialty Care transports (CCT/SCT) in cooperation and/or contract with numerous hospitals and medical facilities)

Pafford Air Med

  • Regional, nationwide and international Critical Care Fixed Wing Ambulance Services. Pafford Air Med patients appreciate the safety, spaciousness, and comfort of our King Air which operates out of the Fort Smith Regional Airport in Sebastian County, AR.

Pafford AirOne

  • Emergency (rotor-wing) helicopter service based in Ruston, LA (AirOne Alpha), Pine Bluff, AR (AirOne Echo), and Clarksdale, MS (AirOne Delta). Rapidly responds to emergency medical or trauma scene calls within an 100-mile radius of each base and offer inter-facility transfers within a 150-mile radius of each base for patients needing specialty-care resources. Located in Ruston, LA is our fixed-wing aircraft with a specialized medical configuration in order to appropriately transport patients requiring critical care. For years, patients in Northern LA, Southern Arkansas, and the Mississippi Delta have benefitted from our comprehensive offerings which include:
  • Our safety profile consists of a fleet of Bell 407 Helicopters and a strategic partnership with Air Methods Corporation
  • 24/7/365 dispatching and flight following services provided by AirOne Communications Specialists/EMDs housed in the Pafford Communications Center

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