
Airports Lee County (IL)

From The RadioReference Wiki

Airports in Crawford County

Dixon Municipal Airport-Charles R. Walgreen Field (C73)

Dixon Municipal Airport-Charles R. Walgreen Field (C73)
FAA: C73
City: Dixon
County: Lee
State: Illinois
ARTCC: Chicago

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Welcome to the Dixon Municipal Airport-Charles R. Walgreen Field (C73) aviation section of this article, the airport located in Lee County, Illinois.
This is where you, the user, may index any articles, frequencies-lists, etc. that you develop for scanning related topics for this airport.


  • 126.0 for Rockford Approach/Departure
  • WQMC731 Dixon Municipal Airport AWOS 118.0-136.0

Bresson Airport (C82)

Bresson Airport (C82)
FAA: C82
City: Compton
County: Lee
State: Illinois
ARTCC: Chicago

Database AirNav
Forum FlightAware

Aviation FAQ Aviation Glossary

Wiki FAQ MediaWiki
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Welcome to the Bresson Airport (C82) aviation section of this article, the airport located in Lee County, Illinois.
This is where you, the user, may index any articles, frequencies-lists, etc. that you develop for scanning related topics for this airport.

Airport-Specific Links

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