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GRECOM PSR-800 Digital Trunking Scanning Receiver
The PSR-800 was manufactured by GRE America in China. The first scanner model to be Micro SD based as well as bring the Radioreference Database (RRDB) and EZScan on said card. After an initial few hiccups, the firmware, was reworked to bring, the new at the time, very first APCO's P25 Phase II to scanner market, in the death-throws of GRECOM America, as well as the companies last update. Shortly afterwards, all intellectual property for this product was acquired by The Whistler Group. This model became Whistler's genesis model for which they rebranded and released, the additional badge-engineered models, as their own model WS1080, also manufacturing for RadioShack the RS Pro-668 branded equivalent. Three additional models with direct ancestry, the RS Pro-18 lacking certain features, the WS1088 with additional numeric and function keys on the keypad and their newest overhauled version of a handheld, the TRX-1 in the same form factor.
After, a series of hacks, showed promise of bringing the scanners up-to the current WS1080/WS1088 firmware, with new fixes & features and DMR; Whistler began its paid Whistler Official Upgrade (WOU) program to satiate the formerly-abandoned-product to become current. Standard PSR-800's Utilizes GRE's EZ-Scan software to program and update the RRDB, as well to upgrade firmware with either a USB Mini-B (4-Pin) cable or with a PC based SD card reader. The scanner and it's further iteration have been known to be highly sensitive but can easily be overwhelmed by strong nearby signals.
All features and spec's listed below are what the scanner was until, at the latest, May of 2017. For Upgraded details, specs and info, refer to the Whistler WS1080 page. The only difference between the models - seemly are a few bits in coding as well as where a few components that were deprecated, before, Whistler could purchase more and they had to source different but equivalent parts. To tell the difference between modified versions of the PSR-800 - a quick power-up the GRE splash logo will be displayed if it's a standard 800; if it's a Whistler variant: the Whistler logo will appear then after splash screen press the MENU Key to see the Bootloader version WOU is F Ver 2.0.
- 200 Scan Lists
- 200 V-Folders
- 20 ScanSets
- PSR-800 Brochure download.
- User's Manual and EZ ScanDG Utility Manager can be downloaded from
- The PSR-800 uses a normal USB a to Mini-B programming/control/updating uploading/downloading cable. USB 2.0 Compliant Interface Built In logical device and installs drivers for both the Scanner and the MicroSD card. * Please see the Connecting scanners via USB article for USB cables to connect your PC to the scanner
- Recording/Playback of Objects or all received audio, at a set volume unchanged by the volume control.
- Audio codec is AU format and is Time/Date stamped at the header file of the audio sample.
- AU audio files can be played via Windows Media Player, WinAmp, and other players.
- Extra Info such as frequency, TGID, etc. can be seen using the included software.
- Audio codec is AU format and is Time/Date stamped at the header file of the audio sample.
- Clock display while "off" (and connected to external power)
- Auto power-on ("Alarm Clock")
- Password at Power-on (Optional)
- Object oriented memory management. See the Object Oriented Scanning Described article for more information.
- Object capacity Variable, with the included 2GB MicroSD Card: > 10 million, but varies depending on user configuration, including recording
- Built in IF discriminator data output can be enabled to the headphone jack and can be used with UniTrunker, Trunk88, and Treport decoders with a standard stereo audio patch cord.
- Built in discriminator data output in simple ASCII output using the PC/IF port can be sent to a com port or internal microSD card.
- Tri-color alert LED - Object programmable; eight factory default colors to any color / brilliance you want by having direct access to the R-G-B drive values (including flash) to assign to talkgroups, frequencies, agencies, etc. Example settings are shown in the owners manual.
- LATCH option: the color of the last received Object stays on until reset.
- Audio alert tones
- Scanner option to look for the Site with the best received CC decode rate (Roam Only).
- ScanSets: create numerous Scanlists tailored differently to meet user needs.
One button operation to get to this set.
- EDACS and Motorola TGID Patch (when used on system), currently in the HEX display format only.
- Regular LTR trunking with auto-arrange for LCN.
- Spectrum Sweeper Near field frequency capture
- Triple conversion superheterodyne
- V-Folder - Virtual Scanner Memory Management system (Second generation); One copy of working memory can hold a virtual numbers of objects, meaning any combination of talkgroups or conventional channels, and trunking systems. Each V-Scanner II folder holds one copy of working memory. Actual memory size is determined by the size of the microSD card memory size used.
- Programmed with all systems in the Radioreference database with ability to update as needed or once a week.
- Scan rate 70 CPS (without trunk scan)
- Search speed 80 CPS
- User defined service search and limit search
- Default Option keys: return to default setting for any menu
- AGC Selectable analog and digital gain control per Site or Per Object
- Adaptive digital tracking (ADT)
- Digital signal processing (DSP) speed change via settings
- Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) injection to/from DSP quantity adjustment via settings
- Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) injection to/from DSP quantity adjustment via settings
- CTCSS/DCS abilities
- Network Access Code can be programmed to only break squelch when receiving the correct NAC in a conventional P25 system.
- 16-character alpha-tagging with text entry can show talkgroup ID (TGID) or service name set per the users preference
- L/O Objects - TGID or conventional frequency or
- SKIP Objects - TGID or frequencies
- 2 second default delay can be set from 0 to 60 Sec. on conventional and trunked tgid's.
- Motorola Control Channel Only trunking
- Private Calls and RadioID alpha display
- Note: If RadioID is greater than 9,999,999 (decimal), then HEX is displayed to fit in the 16 character display.
- 700MHz and 380MHz Trunk Scanning
- Back-lit display and/or back-lit keypad with User Selectable settings
- 7 service search ranges/ 1 user definable search range
- Search "seek" feature
- Tunes virtually all important bands—local marine, fire/police, Ham, CB, VHF-air, UHF-Air, racing, weather and more
- Weather band with enhanced SAME Weather Alert functions and Weather Priority—access weather channels and alerts with the push of a button
- Skywarn can be programmed with any number of "objects"
- Zeromatic search tuning
- 20 dB attenuator Globally or Per Object settings
- 4 way navigation keys to access special modes and programming options; emulating today's standard media player operation
- 6 line x 16 character display with relative signal strength meter
- Display of the Radio ID of the transmitting user in decimal or hex
- Advanced encryption handling
- EncMode selects how the radio treats encrypted voice calls. Simple Display must be unchecked.
- “Noise” setting plays the random undecoded encryption noise. Simple Display must be unchecked.
- “Silent” setting plays no audio during the call. Simple Display must be unchecked.
- “Tone” setting plays a soft tone for the duration of the call. Simple Display must be unchecked.
- EncLevel selects the tone level for tones played during encrypted calls
- Advanced conventional P25 systems
- CONV TGID When enabled, shows the Talkgroup ID for P25 Conventional Talkgroup calls. Simple Display must be unchecked.
- CONV Radio ID when enabled, shows the Radio ID for P25 conventional calls. Simple Display must be unchecked.
- CTCSS/DCS/NAC Search with store via Menu key press during comm and the "S" search icon display when the object is programmed for search.
- Dimensions approximately 5 5/16 x 2 1/8” x 1 1/16” (135 x 67 x 28 mm) (HWD)
- Weight approximately 7.4oz (210g) w/o accessories and batteries
- Weight approximately 13.4oz (380g) w typical antenna and rechargable batteries
- Built-in Battery Charger - charges Ni-Mh batteries in the scanner w a USB Mini-B cable and Powered USB supply
- Optional power sources can be used to power handheld for 10-14hrs on quality batteries (varies) and continously on USB:
- 4 AA Battery operating voltage from 6v, down to almost 4v:
- Rechargable Ni-Mh
- Regular Alkaline
- Can use standard USB power at 5V ≥500mA power
- If batteries and/or power cable are removed for more than ~1 minute, the clock must be re-set, by hand or EZ Scan.
- USB cable may raise noise floor, quality shielded with manufactured installed ferrite cores is recommended
RR System Compatibility
This scanner is compatible with the following Trunking System Types and System Voices used in the RadioReference Database, of course you must verify that the scanner will cover the appropriate frequency range. Rebanding supported? YES EZ-Scan will import the appropriate Band Plan tables for identified 800mhz rebanded systems from the RadioReference database.:
- System Types
- Motorola Type I
- Motorola Type II
- EDACS Standard (Wide)
- EDACS Standard Networked
- EDACS Narrowband (Narrow)
- EDACS Narrowband Networked
- LTR Standard
- APCO Project 25 Standard
- Phase I FDMA
- Motorola X2-TDMA *(Deprecated or upgraded to Phase II)
- Phase II TDMA
- System Voices
- Analog
- Analog
- APCO-25 Common Air Interface Common Air Interface
- Phase I FDMA
- Phase II TDMA
- DMR 1
- Notes
- Reception of these modes requires the Whistler Official Upgrade (WOU).
- This scanner will decode the mode, show slot and TG information but can't trunk track it. Whistler never paid for the licensing rights for it
- Does not support ProVoice
In the Box
Included Accessories:
- BNC 5" short Rubber Antenna 09080
- USB A to USB Mini-B (4-Pin) cable (No PC/IF converter or special cable needed)
- 2GB EZ-Scan MicroSD Card in a inject & eject able sideslot under battery cover on leftside
- Belt Clip Rotatable
- CD-Rom (EZScan Digital Programming/Updating Software Utility)
- 4 AA battery bottom cover
- Headphone jack cover
- Plastic temporary lens cover
- Formed Cardboard packaging - molded pulp
Frequency Coverage
Freq. | Step | Mode (Default) |
25.0000 − 26.9600 MHz | 10 kHz | AM |
26.9650 − 27.4050 MHz | 10 kHz | AM |
27.4100 − 29.5050 MHz | 5 kHz | AM |
29.5100 − 29.7000 MHz | 5 kHz | FM |
29.7100 − 49.8300 MHz | 10 kHz | FM |
49.8350 − 54.0000 MHz | 5 kHz | FM |
108.000 − 136.9916 MHz | 8.33 kHz | AM |
137.000 − 137.995 MHz | 5 kHz | FM |
138.000 − 143.9875 MHz | 12.5 kHz | AM |
144.000 − 147.9950 MHz | 5 kHz | FM |
148.000 − 150.7875 MHz | 12.5 kHz | FM |
150.800 − 150.8450 MHz | 5 kHz | FM |
150.8525 − 154.4975 MHz | 7.5 kHz | FM |
154.5150 − 154.6400 MHz | 5 kHz | FM |
154.6500 − 156.2550 MHz | 7.5 kHz | FM |
156.2750 − 157.4500 MHz | 25 kHz | FM |
157.4700 − 161.5725 MHz | 7.5 kHz | FM |
161.6000 − 161.9750 MHz | 5 kHz | FM |
162.0000 − 174.0000 MHz | 12.5 kHz | FM |
216.0025 − 219.9975 MHz | 5 kHz | FM |
220.0000 − 224.9950 MHz | 5 kHz | FM |
225.0000 − 379.999375 MHz | 6.25 kHz | AM |
380.0000 − 419.987500 MHz | 12.5 kHz | FM |
420.0000 − 450.000000 MHz | 5 kHz | FM |
450.00625 − 469.99375 MHz | 6.25 kHz | FM |
470.00000 − 512.00000 MHz | 6.25 kHz | FM |
764.00000 − 781.996875 MHz | 3.125 kHz | FM |
791.00000 − 796.996875 MHz | 3.125 kHz | FM |
806.00000 − 823.987500 MHz | 12.5 kHz | FM |
849.00000 − 868.987500 MHz | 12.5 kHz | FM |
894.00000 − 939.987500 MHz | 12.5 kHz | FM |
940.00000 − 960.000000 MHz | 6.25 kHz | FM |
1240.0000 − 1300.00000 MHz | 6.25 kHz | FM |
137.0000 − 174.0000 MHz | 5 kHz | FM (Canada) |
380.00000 − 512.00000 MHz | 12.5 kHz | FM (Canada) |
PSR-800 vs RS Pro-18
These are the features that the PSR-800 has over-and-above the PRO-18:
- Recording / playback
- 200 scan lists (PRO-18 has 100 play lists)
- Tri-color alert LED
- Discriminator output
- V-Scanner II
- 20 Scan Sets (PRO-18 has is 1)
- Clock display while "off" (and connected to external power)
- Auto power-on ("alarm clock")
- "Extra" audio alert tones (PRO-18 has the 7 from PSR-500; PSR-800 has 8 more)
- Password protect at Power-On
FCC / Technical Data
- FCC OET Exhibits list for FCC ID: ADV0602902
- CPU - Renesas Electronics America M30626FHPGP#U5C @
- DSP - Texas Instruments TMS320VC5507PGE @
Recommended accessories
Not included with the radio. Part numbers are no longer available from Radio Shacks website, may be available from other sources.
- Radio Shack 800MHz handheld antenna
- Note: These SKUs are no longer on the RS website. They may be available from other sources like Amazon or eBay
- RS old id=4385738 USB power adapter
- RS old id=2963871 Car USB power adapter
- RS old id=3118203 Digital Concepts™ SD Memory Card Converter Drive
- RS old id=10951240 MicroSD to SD card adapter
- Whistler Cover
- Whistler Official Upgrade (see below)
Related Pages
- Radioreference
- Programming Your GRE Scanner
- Multi-Site Trunked System Programming for Whistler/GRE Object-Oriented Scanners
- GRE/RS PC Object Oriented FAQ
- Windows 10 installation of GRE PSR-800 Software and Driver
- RadioReference GRE Forum
- GRE PSR-800 based scanners
- Whistler Official Upgrade (WOU)
- GRE/RS/Whistler based DSP ADC/DAC Adjustments
- Windows Error Solutions
- Outside related
- Whistler Remote Control Software Also functions on PSR-800 and PRO-668 and PRO-18
- Remote Control Software (Whistler) -- no longer available for download
- Dave N9EWO's Review on the PSR-800
- WhistlerQ Import tool for EZ-Scan
- Digital Frequency Search Quick Import Tool to import and P25 into EZ Scan
- PSR800 EZScan / iScan Manual
- Easier to Read PSR-800, Manual printed via Scanner Master
- IT Software Engineering Services Engre
- Mailing Lists/forums
- PSR-800 Facebook Group
- PSR-800 on
- Radio Scanner World
- Radio Scanners
- Scanner Enthusiasts
- Radio Scanner Help and Chat
- PSR-800 Scanners for Sale
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