
GRE/RS PC Object Oriented FAQ

From The RadioReference Wiki

Welcome, here we'll start from scratch, and take you through some of the most basic of questions, in many cases what things mean and how to find information. A word of explanation; if a word or phrase appears in blue then it's a link, clicking it should take you to another article in our wiki or another part of our website, or perhaps a different website altogether.

Please put all Tips, Problems and Solutions here, in this FAQ page, with anything GRE, Radio Shack (RS) or Whistler did not include in their manuals. EZ-Scan tips and other information are now on the Whistler EZ Scan FAQ article

What Does This FAQ Cover?

  • GRE/RS/Whistler PC based, scanners with microSD cards, apart from Whistler's WS1088 & WS1098 and TRX1 & TRX2, the others in the table lack a conventional keypad. All use proprietary software to read/write data. They use Object Oriented (OO) technology: which allows "Channels": whether conventional frequencies or digital talkgroups (TGIDs), both of which are Objects, to be 'Grabbed and Shared' across many ScanLists in a ScanSet. Using Scanlists allows the Scanner 'to scan' any of the Objects: simultaneously and/or consecutively - no matter the kind: style or type (as long as the scanner can reliably receive and decodes that mode). These are the scanners this document covers. Click the blue text for more information;
GRE Radio Shack Whistler
PSR-700 Pro-107
PSR-800 Pro-668 WS1080
PSR-900 WS1095

The Nuts and Bolts

  • If you're a newcomer, you've probably already discovered that there's a huge amount of terms that seem unfamiliar to you. Our Glossary has lots of these terms, along with definitions. Just click on the term you wish to view.
  • When looking at frequencies in our database, float your mouse over the column header, and you should get a balloon with a brief description of the terms and abbreviations that are used there.
  • The biggest hurdle for many is the concept of trunking. Our Trunking Basics article will get you started, as well as this PDF file written by UPMan. Note that you will need Adobe Acrobat or a compatible reader (such as Foxit) to read it.
  • EDACS Provoice trunking is not available in these scanners. Only Uniden scanners can trunk this mode.

Frequently Asked Questions

Common Questions

What is Object Oriented Scanning (OOS) and how does it work in the GRE / RS /Whistler microSD card based scanners?

Which Object Oriented Scanners decode DMR, Project 25 Phase 1 and 2, and/or NXDN?

  1. The Whistler Official Upgrade (WOU) is required for this mode
  2. A firmware upgrade from Whistler, and applied via EZ-Scan, is required for these scanners. The TRX-1 and 2 have this mode out of the box
  3. A firmware upgrade from Whistler, and applied via EZ-Scan, is required for these scanners. See the NXDN article for additional information about NXDN trunking
  4. Whistler scanners cannot trunktrack NXDN or DMR systems. Whistler never bought the licenses, which is why the upgrades are free. The best these scanners can do is to decode the audio. This may be sufficient on systems that aren't too busy, but for busier systems, this is a serious limitation.

Why isn't the PSR-700 and Pro-107 in the above list?
  • This is because they are analog only scanners, and lack the hardware and memory required for digital operation

How do I make the TRX-1 / TRX-2 work on NXDN Trunked Systems?
  • See the Can It Be Decoded section of the NXDN article.

I purchase my scanner used, from a third-party, how do I know if my scanner has the Official or unofficial "hacked" firmware.
  • Check by Manually Programming a local DMR frequency and monitor for cleanly decoded DMR transmissions.
  • Check to see which Splash Screen you have - if you have the 'Radio Shack' or 'GRE' logos, those contain standard OEM firmware. If it has a Whistler logo - it have been modified with either the Whistler Official Upgrade (WOU) or the Unofficial "hacked" process.
    • With Whistler's logo, try to update CPU to 4.7 or 4.8 in Whistler EZ-Scan Software if it doesn't take - it's likely Unofficial.
  • Turn Scanner on- while it's loading, (after power button is pressed) when Splash screen is displayed - hold the MENU until you see Bootloader CPU DSP version screen, if it's DSP 4.6 and CPU 3.1 try the first, do NOT update the date past May 31st, 2017 or it will be LOCKED and DMR decode will be Canceled (neither manually or via PC "Set Real Time Clock to Computer Time").

Why is the 796-806 Mhz range locked out?
  • According to a GRE representative, it's because there are intermod issues with these scanners at this range. Please see the first posting of the missing freqs in GRE scanners Thread.

How do I clean out dirt that gets into the LCD display?

I want to get a another or replacement microSD card, what does 'the size' impact, does speed class make any difference?

Why does may scanner reboots or turn itself off when I disconnect power but have batteries installed?
  • It's most likely related to the USB power device you are using; if it is over the recommended voltage of the USB 2.0 standard - 5v DC and amperage of 500mA, these scanners do NOT seem to like when either is too much above spec. 5.1v and/or 850mA seems to be the limit before the scanner falsely senses an 'abrupt power-loss,' as if it was total power removal. Also it is more likely to happen when using low capacitance and/or highly discharged batteries (of any kind).

I am hearing a great deal of distorted audio / spurs / interference in some specific bands. What is causing this?

Are there any Third Party Applications that allow for remote control?
  • Some of the Whistler Scanners have their own control demo program. It's available from the scanner's homepage. However it is limited in scope and functionality
  • For the TRX1, TRX2, WS1095, WS01098, WS1080 and WS1088, check out the TRX Android Suite

Common PSR-700, Pro-668, Pro-107, or Pro-18 Questions

Are there any hints for working with and installing the iScan Software?

What are Playlists and how do I use them?
  • Playlist are the same as Scanlist continue to follow below and interchange Playlist for Scanlist, ignore ScanSet as your scanner is a single ScanSet or see our Working with Playlists article.

Heap error messages

  • I am getting a Heap Error message. What is causing this?
    • You have some TGRP objects that are not associated with any TSYS. Associate or delete these TGRP objects and reload.
    • To correct the HEAP ERROR condition, look for any TGRPs that have "NEW" as their TSYS, and delete them (press FUNC CL) or associate them with a new or existing trunking system.
    • This can be caused by having duplicate TGRPs in a TSYS.
    • This was the "knowledge based article" that previously appeared on GRE's webpage ->
Heap Errors are most often caused by one or more talkgroup (TGRP) objects that are programmed into the radio, but not associated with any trunking system (TSYS). When programming an OOUI scanner by hand, this can happen when a new TGRP is saved without mapping it to a new or existing trunking system, e.g., pressing the Save softkey when "NEW" is displayed in the TSYS field of the TGRP object menu. Specifying "NEW" in the TSYS field tells the radio that a new trunking system is needed. If SEL is pressed while NEW is displayed in the TSYS field of the TGRP menu, the radio will present a blank TSYS menu that can configured with the parameters for the new system, named, and saved. Once the new TSYS is saved, it can be used over and over again for more talkgroups on the same system by scrolling through saved TSYS(ystems) using the left/right arrow keys at the TSYS field.
To correct the HEAP ERROR condition, look for any TGRPs that have "NEW" as their TSYS, and delete them (press FUNC CL) or associate them with a new or existing trunking system. To review programmed objects, press PGM, then use the left/right arrow keys to browse through the Scan Lists, and the up/down arrow keys to scroll through objects mapped to the selected Scan List.
In rare cases it may be necessary to restore the radio to factory defaults ...

Technical Issues

Firmware and Software Sources

Radio Shack


  • Whistler's versions of EZ-Scan, drivers and CPU firmware updater can be found HERE


Additional Resources

Easier to Read Manuals - GRE / RS / Whistler

Other websites

Bing Videos

YouTube Videos
