
US Forest Service - Modoc National Forest (CA)

From The RadioReference Wiki

US Forests in California:

Angeles Inyo Lassen Modoc Sequoia Six Rivers
Cleveland Klamath Los Padres Plumas Shasta-Trinity Stanislaus
Eldorado Lake Tahoe BMU Mendocino San Bernardino Sierra Tahoe

Modoc National Forest (MDF - Forest #09) "Modoc" KMB 700

“The Smiles of Gods” is what the Native Americans, who first settled this land, called it. The forest is named for the county in which the greater part of the forest is situated. The county, in turn, is named after the Native American tribe, the Modocs. The history of the Modoc National Forest begins with the setting aside of two forest reserves by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1904 at the request of the local ranchers. A proclamation by Roosevelt on November 29, 1904 created the Warner Mountains Forest Reserve and the Modoc Forest Reserve, both renamed "National Forests" in 1907 when all Forest Reserves became National Forests. This same President added an additional 570,000 acres on February 13, 1908, and on July 2, 1908 combined the Warner Mountains and Modoc National Forests into one administrative unit, known thereafter as the Modoc National Forest. The forest covers 1,654,392 acres and is located on the on the huge Modoc Plateau where vegetation tends to be sparse. Recreation use is low as compared to the other 17 National Forests in California with approximately 175,000 visits. There are single developed recreation sites on other National Forests in California that have more visits.

Separated from the more heavily populated and intensively used areas of the Sacramento Valley by the main Sierra Nevada and Cascade mountain ranges, the Modoc lies in the extreme northeast corner of California. The topography is diverse, ranging from the forested Warner Mountain range in the east, to the high plateaus dominated by sage steppe and ancient lava flows around Alturas, and culminating at the Medicine Highlands (the largest shield volcano in North America) in the west. The high desert climate in the valley areas consists of four distinct seasons and an average precipitation of 13 inches, a large part of which comes in the form of snow during the winter months of December to March. Elevation levels in the Modoc range from 9,906 feet at Eagle Peak in the South Warner Wilderness, to 4,000 feet in the valleys.

Some 43,400 acres of the forest have been identified as old growth, consisting primarily of Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), white fir (Abies concolor), red fir (Abies magnifica) and incense cedar (Calocedrus decurrens).

The Modoc National Forest is divided into the Warner Mtn. (District 3), Big Valley (District 4), Devil's Garden (District 5) and Doublehead (District 6) Ranger Districts, with the Forest Supervisor's Office in Alturas. The Devil's Garden Ranger District Office is located in the Forest Supervisor's Office building.

USFS CA Modoc NF Small Map.png

MDF Stations
Warner Mtn. Ranger District #3 Big Valley Ranger District #4 Devils Garden Ranger District #5
Station 34 - Buck Creek Station 44 - Adin (Ranger District Office) Station 54 - Canby
Station 35 - Cedarville (Ranger District Office) Station 45 - Cotop Station 55- Crowder Flat
Engine 46 - Adin (Ranger District Office) 2nd Engine Station 56 - Alturas (Ranger District/Forest Supervisor's Office Compound)
Doublehead Ranger District #6 Lava Beds National Monument
Station 64 - Lava Beds (interagency w/NPS) Station 74 - NPS Lava Beds Engine
Station 65 - Dry Lake


The Modoc has a Forest Net, Admin Net and Service Net with only 6 repeater sites, the fewest of any National Forest in Region 5. There is a repeater for each net at each electronic site. The Modoc's gentle terrain is such that higher points, a few of which have electronic sites on them, can "see" a great deal of land. At least some of the sites are linked by microwave, but not much is known by hobbyists about the location of remote base stations and other design features of the system.


The Modoc National Forest averages 103 wildland fires per year. The Lower Klamath Basin and Modoc National Wildlife Refuges average 8.6 fires per year. The Lava Beds National Monument averages 3.8 fires per year.

The unit identifier system for non-fire management is unknown. It is unknown what number the identifiers of non-fire employees of the Supervisor's Office are based on. The Modoc Interagency Communications Center coordinates and dispatches resources to respond to wildland fires and all risk incidents within the Modoc National Forest, Lava Beds National Monument and the Lower Klamath Basin and Modoc National Wildlife Refuges. The forest is divided into 4 Ranger Districts, Warner Mtn. (District 3), Big Valley (District 4), Devils Garden (District 5) and Doublehead (District 6). Lava Beds National Monument use the number 7 and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service uses the 8500 number series. The identifier of the Communications Center is "Modoc."

Channel Plan

Modoc National Forest Channel Lineup
Channel Tone(s) Rx Tx Alpha Tag Description
1 1 170.7375 170.7375 MDF1 FrstNet Dir Modoc NF Forest Net Direct (1)
2 1-8 170.7375 164.9875 MDF2 FrstNet Rpt Modoc NF Forest Net Repeater
3 1 173.7875 173.7875 MDF3 Adm Dir Modoc NF Admin Net Direct (1)
4 1-8 173.7875 162.4875 MDF4 Adm Rpt Modoc NF Admin Net Repeater
5 1-8 164.1000 164.8000 MDF5 Serv Rpt Modoc NF Service Net Repeater
6 166.5500 166.5500 MDF6 R5 T4 R5 Tac 4
7 167.1125 167.1125 MDF7 R5 T5 R5 Tac 5
8 168.2375 168.2375 MDF8 R5 T6 R5 Tac 6
9 167.9625 167.9625 MDF9 R5 T7 R5 Tac 7
10 167.6000 167.6000 MDF10 AG43 R5 01 P Air-Ground 43 CA 01 Primary
11 168.6625 168.6625 MDF11 R5 Proj R5 Project Net
12 4 171.6250 171.6250 MDF12 NOD FireD BLM Northern California District Fire Net Direct
13 2 171.6250 164.2500 MDF13 NOD FireR BLM Northern California District Fire Net Repeater
14 151.2500 151.2500 MDF14 LMU Dir Cal Fire Lassen-Modoc-Plumas Local Direct
15 xx 151.2500 159.405 MDF15 LMU Rpt Cal Fire Lassen-Modoc-Plumas Local Repeater

(1) Tone 1 (110.9) must be used to contact dispatch or a Ranger District office on these simplex channels.

Revised 6-10-24


All repeaters have Forest, Admin and Service Net capability.

MDF Repeaters
Tone Location CTCSS Tone
1 Channels 1&3 110.9
2 Sugar Hill 123.0
3 Likely Mtn. 131.8
4 49 Mtn. 136.5
5 Grouse Mtn. 146.2
6 Fire Repeater (Portable)
7 Red Shale Butte 167.9
8 Widow Mtn. 103.5

Information about the tones transmitted on the output frequency is unavailable.

Related Links

  • National Incident Radio Support Cache - These frequencies are used for large incidents, usually when a Type I or Type II Incident Management Team is assigned. This cache is used for fires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, visits of high ranking officials, such the U.S. President and the presidents of other countries, large law enforcement incidents, special events and other incidents where the federal government is utilizing the Incident Command System.

Return to DB page: United States Forest Service (CA)

US Forests in California:

Angeles Inyo Lassen Modoc Sequoia Six Rivers
Cleveland Klamath Los Padres Plumas Shasta-Trinity Stanislaus
Eldorado Lake Tahoe BMU Mendocino San Bernardino Sierra Tahoe