Dane County (WI)
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County Seat | Madison |
MABAS Division | 115 |
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DNR Enforcement District | South Central |
FBI Division | Milwaukee |
FBI Resident Agency | Madison |
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Welcome to the Dane County, Wisconsin collaboration article. This is where you, the user, may index any articles you develop for scanning related topics for your area.
Public Safety Overview
Trunked Radio Systems
As of November 9, 2016, most public safety agencies operating in Dane County are using one of three trunked radio systems. City of Madison agencies, along with UW Police, Capitol Police, and Monona Police currently use the 800MHz Project 25 Phase I Madison Public Safety system. Dane County agencies and most other municipal agencies are using the VHF P25 DaneCom system. State Agencies not using the Madison Area Public Safety system, such as the Wisconsin State Patrol (WI), can be found on the statewide WISCOM system. DaneCom and WISCOM are ISSI linked for interoperability. DaneCom currently has patches to the Madison Area Public Safety system for critical talkgroups; full ISSI linking is expected to occur upon completion of the City's upgrade to P25.
Analog Channels
Dane County is maintaining two analog tactical channels, DANETAC 1 and 2, for fireground and law enforcement tactical use. Fitchburg, McFarland, Monona, Stoughton, and Sun Prairie are also maintaining local analog fireground and/or tactical channels.
All units with VHF-capable radios should have access to VCALL10 and MARC 1/2, and fire units should also have access to IFERN and the MABAS fireground channels. VCALL10 will be continuously monitored by Dane County Public Safety Communications (PSC) for use as a backup to DaneCom and for agencies who are unable to reach dispatch. PSC will also monitor EMS B and configure hosptial patches for ambulances that are not able to access DaneCom.
Public Safety Dispatch and 911 Centers
There are currently seven public safety dispatch centers located in Dane County, with four of those centers receiving 911 calls.
Dane County Public Safety Communications (PSC)
Colloquially known as the "Comm Center", Dane County PSC is the primary 911 PSAP and dispatch center in the county. All cellular 911 calls are answered here, as well as landline 911 calls other than from the cities of Middleton and Monona, and the UW-Madison campus. The following agencies are dispatched by the Comm Center:
- All Dane County agencies (Sheriff, Medical Examiner, etc)
- All City of Madison agencies (Police, Fire, Animal Control, etc)
- All EMS agencies responding to 911 calls
- All municipal fire departments in the county except Monona
- All municipal police departments in the county except Fitchburg, Middleton, Monona, Stoughton and Sun Prairie
Middleton Police Department
The Middleton Police Department receives landline 911 calls originating within the City of Middleton, and provides their own dispatch service. Calls for Fire and EMS services are transferred to Dane County PSC for dispatch. Cellular 911 calls for police services are transferred from Dane County PSC to Middleton for dispatch. Middleton can also act as a backup dispatch center and PSAP for Monona and Dane County.
Monona Police Department
The Middleton Police Department receives landline 911 calls originating within the City of Monona, and provides dispatch service to Monona Police and Fire. Calls for EMS services are transferred to Dane County PSC for dispatch. Cellular 911 calls for police and fire services are transferred from Dane County PSC to Monona for dispatch. The Monona city leadership is currently considering transferring fire dispatch to Dane County.
UW Police Department
The UW Police Department receives landline 911 calls originating within the UW-Madison Campus, and provides their own dispatch service. Calls for Fire and EMS services are transferred to Dane County PSC for dispatch. Cellular 911 calls for police services are transferred from Dane County PSC to UWPD for dispatch.
Fitchburg, Stoughton and Sun Prairie Police Departments
These cities all maintain their own police dispatch centers. All 911 calls from these cities are answered by Dane County PSC, and fire and EMS services are dispatched by the Comm Center. Police call information transferred to the respective police department by CAD for dispatch.
Captiol Police Department
Capitol Police Dispatch provides alarm monitoring for various state-owned properties, as well as dispatch service for CPD officers in and around the Madison area.
P25 Radio ID's
13010 DASCAN patch (on WISCOM) 30012 Madison FD Automated Paging 302XX Dane County PSC/PSAP 811XX Wisconsin State Patrol DeForest Post bases 8800X UW PD Dispatch bases 100XXXX Madison PD mobiles 101XXXX Madison PD portables 12XXXXX Madison FD 120XXXX Madison FD mobiles 12008XX Madison FD Engine mobiles 12009XX Madison FD Ambulance mobiles 121XXXX Madison FD portables 12100XX Madison FD Admin portables 12101XX Madison FD District 1 portables 12102XX Madison FD District 2 portables 12103XX Madison FD District 3 portables 12104XX Madison FD District 4 portables 12105XX Madison FD District 5 portables 12106XX Madison FD District 6 portables 12107XX Madison FD District 7 portables 12108XX Madison FD District 8 portables 12109XX Madison FD District 9 portables 12110XX Madison FD District 10 portables 12111XX Madison FD District 11 portables 12112XX Madison FD District 12 portables 12113XX Madison FD District 13 portables 12114XX Madison FD District 14 portables 121XX0X Madison FD Engine portables 121XX1X Madison FD Ladder/Engine portables 121XX2X Madison FD Ambulance portables 122XXXX ? 123000X CARES Units 1301XXX Madison PD mobiles 1304XXX Dane County Sheriff mobiles 13052XX Cross Plains PD mobiles 13053XX Dane PD mobiles 13054XX Mazomanie PD mobiles 13055XX Middleton PD mobiles 13056XX Shorewood Hills PD mobiles 13057XX Waunakee PD mobiles 13061XX Belleville PD mobiles 13062XX Blue Mounds PD mobiles 13063XX Brooklyn PD mobiles 13064XX Fitchburg PD mobiles 13065XX Mount Horeb PD mobiles 13066XX Town of Madison PD mobiles 13067XX Verona PD mobiles 13071XX DeForest PD mobiles 13072XX Maple Bluff PD mobiles 13073XX Marshall PD mobiles 13076XX Sun Prairie PD mobiles 13082XX Cottage Grove PD mobiles 13084XX McFarland PD mobiles 13085XX Monona PD mobiles 1308500 Monona PD base 1308553 Monona PD base 13086XX Oregon PD mobiles 13087XX Stoughton PD mobiles 13091XX Dane County Coroner mobiles 1311XXX Madison PD portables 1314XXX Dane County Sheriff portables 13150XX Dane County Sheriff portables 13152XX Cross Plains PD portables 13153XX Dane PD portables 13154XX Mazomanie PD portables 13155XX Middleton PD portables 13156XX Shorewood Hills PD portables 13157XX Waunakee PD portables 13161XX Belleville PD portables 13162XX Blue Mounds PD portables 13163XX Brooklyn PD portables 13164XX Fitchburg PD portables 13165XX Mount Horeb PD portables 13166XX Town of Madison PD portables 13167XX Verona PD portables 13171XX DeForest PD portables 13172XX Maple Bluff PD portables 13173XX Marshall PD portables 13176XX Sun Prairie PD portables 13182XX Cottage Grove PD portables 13184XX McFarland PD portables 13185XX Monona PD portables 13186XX Oregon PD portables 13187XX Stoughton PD portables 13191XX Dane County Coroner portables 1321XXX Madison FD mobiles 13251XX Black Earth FD mobiles 13252XX Cross Plains-Berry FD mobiles 13253XX Dane-Vienna FD mobiles 13254XX Mazomanie FD mobiles 13255XX Middleton FD mobiles 13257XX Waunakee FD mobiles 13261XX Belleville FD mobiles 13263XX Brooklyn FD mobiles 13264XX Fitchburg FD mobiles 13265XX Mount Horeb FD mobiles 13267XX Verona FD mobiles 13271XX DeForest FD mobiles 13272XX Maple Bluff FD mobiles 13273XX Marshall FD mobiles 13276XX Sun Prairie FD mobiles 13281XX Cambridge FD mobiles 13282XX Cottage Grove FD mobiles 13283XX Deerfield FD mobiles 13284XX McFarland FD mobiles 13285XX Monona FD mobiles 13286XX Oregon FD mobiles 13287XX Stoughton FD mobiles 13300XX Dane County EMA portables 1331XXX Madison FD portables 13351XX Black Earth FD portables 13352XX Cross Plains-Berry FD portables 13353XX Dane-Vienna FD portables 13354XX Mazomanie FD portables 13355XX Middleton FD portables 13357XX Waunakee FD portables 13361XX Belleville FD portables 13363XX Brooklyn FD portables 13364XX Fitchburg FD portables 13365XX Mount Horeb FD portables 13367XX Verona FD portables 13371XX DeForest FD portables 13372XX Maple Bluff FD portables 13373XX Marshall FD portables 13376XX Sun Prairie FD portables 13381XX Cambridge FD portables 13382XX Cottage Grove FD portables 13383XX Deerfield FD portables 13384XX McFarland FD portables 13385XX Monona FD portables 13386XX Oregon FD portables 13387XX Stoughton FD portables 1341XXX Madison EMS mobiles 13452XX Cross Plains-Berry EMS mobiles 13454XX District One EMS mobiles 13455XX Middleton EMS mobiles 13457XX Waunakee EMS mobiles 13461XX Belleville EMS mobiles 13463XX Brooklyn EMS mobiles 13464XX Fitch-Rona EMS mobiles 13465XX Mount Horeb EMS mobiles 13471XX DeForest EMS mobiles 13472XX Maple Bluff EMS mobiles 13473XX Marshall EMS mobiles 13476XX Sun Prairie EMS mobiles 13480XX ??? 13481XX Cambridge EMS mobiles 13482XX Deer Grove EMS mobiles 13484XX McFarland EMS mobiles 13485XX Monona EMS mobiles 13486XX Oregon EMS mobiles 13487XX Stoughton EMS mobiles 13489XX Ryan Brothers Ambulance mobiles 1351XXX Madison EMS portables 13552XX Cross Plains-Berry EMS portables 13554XX District One EMS portables 13555XX Middleton EMS portables 13557XX Waunakee EMS portables 13561XX Belleville EMS portables 13563XX Brooklyn EMS portables 13564XX Fitch-Rona EMS portables 13565XX Mount Horeb EMS portables 13571XX DeForest EMS portables 13572XX Maple Bluff EMS portables 13573XX Marshall EMS portables 13576XX Sun Prairie EMS portables 13581XX Cambridge EMS portables 13582XX Deer Grove EMS portables 13584XX McFarland EMS portables 13585XX Monona EMS portables 13586XX Oregon EMS portables 13587XX Stoughton EMS portables 13589XX Ryan Brothers Ambulance portables 1364XXX Dane County Highway Department mobiles 13650XX Roxbury DPW mobiles 13654XX Mazomanie DPW mobiles 136580X-136582X Vienna DPW mobiles 136585X Springfield DPW mobiles 13660XX Town of Middleton DPW mobiles 13664XX Fitchburg DPW mobiles 13667XX Verona DPW mobiles 13670XX Windsor DPW mobiles 13671XX DeForest DPW mobiles 13676XX Sun Prairie DPW mobiles 13680XX Christiana DPW mobiles 13682XX ??? 13686XX Oregon DPW mobiles 1374XXX Dane County Highway Department portables 13750XX Berry DPW portables 13754XX Mazomanie DPW portables 137600X Town of Middleton DPW portables 137601X Vermont DPW portables 137602X Town of Oregon DPW portables 13761XX Belleville DPW portables 13764XX Fitchburg DPW portables 13767XX Verona DPW portables 13776XX Sun Prairie DPW portables 13780XX Christiana DPW portables 13782XX ??? 13784XX McFarland DPW portables 13786XX Oregon DPW portables 13794XX Dane County Parks Department portables 138400X Dane County PSAP Emergency Traffic Beeps 13849XX ??? 1389551 Dane County EMA Command Vehicle "CV1" 138559X Middleton PSAP 138649X Fitchburg PSAP 138715X ??? 138769X Sun Prairie PSAP 13891XX Dane County PSAP 13894XX ??? 13895XX Dane County EMA 13964XX Fitchburg FD 13995XX Dane County EMA 13996XX ??? 13997XX ??? 13999XX ??? 150XXXX Madison Public Works 151XXXX Madison Park Department 155XXXX Madison Public Library 161XXXX Dane County Jail 170XXXX Madison Metro Transit 171XXXX Madison Metro Transit 178XXXX Monona PD mobiles 1790XXX Monona PD portables 180000X Monona EMS 18500XX Overture Center ops 240XXXX Madison Traffic Engineering 241XXXX Madison Traffic Engineering 243XXXX Madison Parking Enforcement 247XXXX Madison Engineering 249XXXX Madison Radio Shop 78XXXXX ??? 79013XX Life Link III 79113XX Life Link III 80014XX UW Medflight 80081XX Canadian Pacific Railroad Police 81001XX Wisconsin State Patrol EF Johnson VM900 squad radios 81011XX Wisconsin State Patrol EF Johnson VM900 squad radios 81101XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 81111XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 81201XX Wisconsin State Patrol Kenwood TK-5710 squad radios 81211XX Wisconsin State Patrol Kenwood TK-5710 squad radios 81601XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 81611XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 82XXXXX Wisconsin DNR 84192XX Wisconsin Air National Guard 115th Fighter Wing FD (Truax Field) 8430000 Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM)-Emergency Operations Center (EOC) 850XXXX Wisconsin Capitol PD (mobiles) 851XXXX Wisconsin Capitol PD (portables) 8520002 Wisconsin DOA Femrite Data Center 853XXXX Wisconsin DOA/Capitol PD (bases) 8631300 Meriter Hospital 8631320 Saint Mary's Hospital Medical Center 8631340 University of Wisconsin Hospital 8631350 Williams S Middleton Memorial VA Hospital 8631341 UW Medflight (base) 8672XXX Mendota Mental Health Institute "MMHI" (H72) 867299X Mendota Mental Health Institute "MMHI" (H72) bases 86749XX ??? 8702XXX Wisconsin DOC Central Office (K02) 8727XXX Oakhill Correctional Institution (K27) 87279XX Oakhill Correctional Institution (K27) (bases) 8756XXX Wisconsin DOC University Hospital ops (K56) 8785XXX Thompson Correctional Center (K85) 88000XX UW PD (mobiles) 88100XX UW PD (portables) 88101XX UW PD (portables) 88200XX UW PD 88300XX UW PD (bases) 88400XX UW PD 88800XX UW EMS (Camp Randall Stadium ops) 90100XX US Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) 97100XX William S Middleton Memorial VA Hospital PD 9730001 William S Middleton Memorial VA Hospital PD "Base A" 9870XXX Non-ISSI patches 9901100 National Weather Service-Sullivan Weather Forecasting Office 9901101 National Weather Service-Sullivan Weather Forecasting Office ??????? Central Wisconsin Center ??????? Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) ??????? Oregon Correctional Center ??????? Saint Mary's Emergency Department ??????? Stoughton Hospital ??????? The Grow Academy ??????? UW Health at the American Center ??????? US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) ??????? US Fish & Wildlife Service (possibly 95XXXXX's?) ??????? US Marshals Service (USMS) ??????? William S Middleton Memorial VA Hospital (possibly 97XXXXX's?) ??????? Wisconsin Air National Guard (Truax Field) (possibly 84XXXXX's?) ??????? Wisconsin DNR Blue Mounds State Park Office ??????? Wisconsin DNR DNR Central Office ??????? Wisconsin DNR Fitchburg Service Center ??????? Wisconsin DNR Governor Nelson State Park Office ??????? Wisconsin DNR Lake Kegonsa State Park Office ??????? Wisconsin DNR Nevin Fish Hatchery ??????? Wisconsin State Patrol Weigh Station 16 bases There are also several ambulance services from neighboring counties that use Danecom while transporting to Madison hospitals, including: 2328954 New Glarus Rescue 876 (Green County) 2338929 New Glarus Rescue 876 (Green County) 2361002 unknown ambulance (Green County) 2506021 Barneveld Rescue 83 (Iowa County) 2506031 Avoca Rescue 86 (Iowa County) 5705802 Spring Green Ambulance 531 (Sauk County) 5740507 Sauk Prairie EMS 510 (Sauk County) 5740508 Sauk Prairie EMS 508 (Sauk County)
Related Wiki Pages
- Dane County (WI) Fire and EMS
- Dane County (WI) FTOs
- Dane County (WI) Unit Numbering
- Madison Area Public Safety
- Wisconsin Interoperable System for Communications
Law Enforcement
- Madison Police Department
- Madison Police Department District Map (large file size - 18+ MB)
- Madison Police vehicles: Squad C413, Squad S460, Squad 2817
- Dane County Sheriff Frequencies
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Sauk County | Columbia County | Dodge County | ![]() |
Iowa County | ![]() |
Jefferson County | ||
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Green County | Rock County |
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