The Ohio State Highway Patrol (abbreviated OSHP or OSP) has 55 patrol posts in ten districts, each post covering up to three of Ohio's 88 counties or a portion of the Ohio Turnpike. OSHP is the only law enforcement agency with jurisdiction on the turnpike.
Coverage Areas and Districts
OSHP has consolidated dispatch operations into regional dispatch centers where dispatching occurs for multiple posts. This was done in an attempt to save money, supposedly because there will be less need for overtime and dispatchers will not be forced to stay over if another dispatcher calls in sick.
What this means for scanner listeners is that depending upon what dispatcher console is covering dispatching duties at the time, you may hear one post being dispatched on another post's talkgroup; alternately you may note that the patrol talkgroups of the dispatched posts are patched together. So if you want to be sure to hear the radio traffic for the post that is in your area, you'll need to make sure that you have the talkgroups for all posts dispatched by that particular dispatch center programmed into your scanner.
Below are the District and Post locations as well as each post responsible for dispatching.
Consolidated Dispatching
Patrol Posts and Consolidated Dispatching
Findlay District (District 1 HQ = Post 32 Findlay)
- District 1 includes the following counties: Allen, Defiance, Fulton, Hancock, Hardin, Henry, Lucas, Paulding, Putnam, Van Wert, Williams, Wood
Bucyrus District (District 2 HQ = Post 17 Bucyrus)
- District 2 includes the following counties: Crawford, Erie, Huron, Marion, Ottawa, Richland, Sandusky, Seneca, Wyandot
Cleveland District (District 3 HQ = Post 18 Cleveland)
- District 3 includes the following counties: Ashland, Cuyahoga, Holmes, Lorain, Medina, Stark, Summit, Wayne
Warren District (District 4 HQ = Post 78 Warren)
- District 4 includes the following counties: Ashtabula, Columbiana, Geauga, Lake, Mahoning, Portage, Trumbull
Piqua District (District 5 HQ = Post 55 Piqua)
- District 5 includes the following counties: Auglaize, Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Logan, Mercer, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, Shelby, Union
Columbus District (District 6 HQ = OSHP Communications Center)
- District 6 includes the following counties: Delaware, Fairfield, Franklin, Knox, Licking, Madison, Morrow, Perry, Pickaway
Cambridge District (District 7 HQ = Post 30 Cambridge)
- District 7 includes the following counties: Belmont, Carroll, Coshocton, Guernsey, Harrison, Jefferson, Monroe, Muskingum, Noble, Tuscarawas, Washington
Wilmington District (District 8 HQ = Post 14 Wilmington)
- District 8 includes the following counties: Adams, Brown, Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Fayette, Hamilton, Highland, Warren
Jackson District (District 9 HQ = Post 40 Jackson)
- District 9 includes the following counties: Athens, Gallia, Hocking, Jackson, Lawrence, Meigs, Morgan, Pike, Ross, Scioto, Vinton
Ohio Turnpike (District 10 HQ = Post 92 Berea)
General Headquarters
1-1999 |
Patrol Troopers
A100-A399 |
Auxiliary Volunteers
3100 |
Scale Workers
3200 |
Motor Carrier Enforcement
4000 |
Civilian employees (clerical, maintenance, etc)
5000 |
Police officers at State Fairgrounds and Shipley Building
6000 |
7000 |
Driver Examination
8000 |
Motor Vehicle Inspectors
9000 |
Ohio Investigative Unit
- 1 - Out of service
- 2 - In service
- 3 - Out of service, subject to call
- 4 - Out of service, equipment failure
- 5 - Rush
- 6 - Reference previous traffic
- 7 - At your convenience
- 8 - Unable to copy, change location
- 9 - Unable to answer at this time
- 10 - Call ___ by phone
- 11 - Call GHQ by phone
- 12 - Call DHQ by phone
- 13 - Call your post by phone
- 14 - Call radio by phone
- 15 - Call home by phone
- 16 - Technical problems with computer
- 16A - Technical problems with functional portion of LEADS
- 17 - Crash report number
- 18 - Have traffic - relay
- 19 - Relay by phone
- 20 - Contact ___ in person
- 21 - Contact GHQ in person
- 22 - Contact DHQ in person
- 23 - Contact your post in person
- 24 - Contact radio in person
- 25 - Contact home in person
- 26 - Dispatcher alone on post
- 27 - Improper procedure
- 28 - Post secure
- 29 - Relay in person
- 30 - Fatal traffic crash
- 31 - Non-injury traffic crash
- 31A - Injury traffic crash
- 32 - Traffic jam/road blocked
- 33 - Drowning
- 34 - Motor vehicle fire
- 35 - (Not listed)
- 36 - Other fire
- 37 - Disabled vehicle
- 38 - Eating
- 39 - Location
- 40 - Emergency / Pursuits
- 41 - Immediately
- 42 - Be on station
- 43 - All units phone your post
- 44 - All units report to post
- 45 - Resume regular patrol
- 46 - FCC inspector on post
- 47 - Canine needed at my location
- 48 - Stand-in examinee
- 49 - Prior fleeing/eluding conviction
- 50 - Prior resisting conviction
- 51 - Plane crash
- 52 - All hazardous incidents
- 53 - Hazardous load
- 54 - Wrecked truck - hauling explosives
- 55 - Explosion
- 56 - Train crash
- 57 - Bomb scare
- 58 - Suspect can hear radio
- 59 - Permits
- 60 - Convoy/reference convoy
- 61 - Subject has weapon
- 62 - Concealed Carry Permit Holder
- 63 - Sex Offender
- 64 - Suicidal Subject
- 65 - Domestic violence incident/alert entry
- 66 - Violent offender alert(s)
- 67 - (Not listed)
- 68 - (Not listed)
- 69 - (Not listed)
- 70 - (Not listed)
- 71 - (Not listed)
- 72 - (Not listed)
- 73 - Prisoner
- 74 - Incarceration
- 75 - Wanted person/property (felony)
- 76 - Wanted person/property (misdemeanor)
- 77 - Wants/warrants check
- 78 - Criminal history not wanted
- 79 - Mentally disturbed person
- 80 - (Not listed)
- 81 - (Not listed)
- 82 - (Not listed)
- 83 - (Not listed)
- 84 - (Not listed)
- 85 - (Not listed)
- 86 - Drug courier alert
- 87 - Backup officer needed
- 88 - Officer in trouble
- 90 - Emergency Banner struck on Radio
- 99 - Caution Ohio Police (COP) message
- 100 - Wrong way driver
- 125 - (Unknown)
- CVC - Commercial Vehicle Contact
- MVI - Motor Vehicle Inspection
- 7 / HP-7 - Traffic citation
- OH-1 - Traffic Crash Report
- .19 / Point 19 - 4511.19 ORC, Ohio DUI Law
- 24X - Vehicle Search
OSHP Organization
A division of the Ohio Department of Public Safety, the Ohio State Highway Patrol is tasked with protection of life and property and promotion of traffic safety. The Patrol is comprised of six operating divisions:
- 1. Office of Field Operations
- Patrol Section (all patrol posts statewide)
- Aviation Section
- Licensing and Commercial Standards (Motor Carrier Enforcement, Mandatory Bus Inspections, and Motor Vehicle Inspections, Salvage Inspections)
- Crash Reconstruction Unit
- Special Response Team
- 2. Office of Criminal Investigations
- Investigative Services
- Criminal Patrol
- Ohio Investigative Unit
- Vehicle Theft Unit
- Polygraph Unit
- Computer Crimes Unit
- Crime Lab
- Security Services
- Expo Center (Post 96)
- Capitol Operations (Post 97)
- Shipley Building (Post 98)
- 3. Office of Personnel
- Professional Standards
- Administrative Investigation Unit
- Testing and Assessment Services
- Staffing Services and Benefits
- 4. Office of Finance & Logistics
- Fiscal Services
- Fleet/Logistics
- Intelligence, Threat Assessment and Prevention
- Communications Center
- Computer Operations/Ohio LEADS
- 5. Office of Planning, Research and Development
- Ohio Traffic Safety Office
- Administrative Audits and Risk Assessment
- Policy Development Unit
- Statistical Analysis Unit
- Central Records Section
- Photographic Services Unit
- Special Events Unit
- Traffic Statistics Section
- Ohio State Highway Patrol Auxiliary
- Historical Preservation Unit
- 6. Office of Training, Recruitment and Diversity
- Patrol Training Academy
- Regional Training Unit
- Recruitment Office
- Diversity Office
Related links
- Ohio MARCS-IP - All OSP operations are conducted on Ohio MARCS-IP
- Ohio MARCS - OSP operations formerly conducted on Ohio MARCS